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City of Raton GRT Up 20% Over Estimate But Rate Will Go Down July 1

The Raton City Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, April 25 and as part of the report to the Commission, City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci reported Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) collections were still running strong and were almost $600K or 20.47% above what was projected.

Antonucci also said the state GRT will go down in July and will be make Raton’s rate 8.258%.

The Commission also unanimously voted to appoint Desire’e Trujillo as the Raton City Clerk and Michael Anne Antonucci as the Deputy Clerk.  Antonucci will continue her duties as City Treasurer.

In her report, Antonucci also said that Lodgers Tax collections were about 5% below last year, but still expects the fund to accumulate close to $500,000.  The Commission also accepted the recommendations of the Lodgers Tax Board and voted to award $7,744 to RatonMainstreet for the International SF Trail Balloon Rally, $1,616 to the Center for Community Innovation for distribution of the Raton Visitors Guide, and $1,200 for an ad in the World Journal Summer Guide.

The Commission also postponed the approval of the Capital Appropriation Agreement between the City and NM DFA for the Kearney School Film Project.  In asking for the postponement, Berry said the City still had not received the grant agreement and were informed there were special conditions attached to the $1.1 million grant, but they should be ironed out by the May 9, Commission meeting.

Better City, LLC was awarded the RFP for Economic Development Services including business and community development, job creation and economic expansion. Better City was given the highest grade from a committee that met to evaluate the two proposals received.  Better City has done business with the city in the past, compiling a Economic Development Strategic Plan.

In other business, the commission voted to approve the dispatch agreement between the City and the Village of Cimarron for a one year period at a cost of $14,000.

Voted to approve design proposals from Alpha Design for a Shuler Theater Loading Ramp and repairs in the Raton Aquatic Center.

The Commission also voted to go into Closed Session to discuss litigation concerning the almost 400 acres of property that was to be used for the Horse Racetrack/Casino. When they returned to open session, the Commission voted to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a settlement agreement to attempt to reacquire the property.

There was a public hearing for the City of Raton Interim FY24 Budget and Brandy Dietz from GrowRaton asked the City for a $25,000 award to help the organization continue to develop economic opportunities for Raton.  City Treasurer Antonucci, said the request would be put in with the other organizations request for the next meeting and the a final interim budget would be presented at the May 23 meeting.

The commission also approved Event Forms for the International SF Trail Balloon Rally, Raton Mainstreet 4th of July Parade and activities on 1st Street, Sun Valley Rides Summer Carnival, Independent Riders Run for The Wall, and Run to Raton.

The commission also approved the 4th of July Fireworks Show proposal submitted by J&M Display for $32,200 which would be the same show as last year’s event which was $28,000.

The Raton City Commission will next meet on May 9 at 6 pm and the meeting will be broadcast on AM 1490 KRTN and streamed on FM93.9EnchantedAir Facebook.

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