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In Loving Memory of Arabella (Bella) Brewer

Arabella (Bella) Brewer

( May 11, 1931 – March 29, 2023 )

Arabella “Bella” Brewer passed away peacefully, surrounded by loved ones, at her home in Cimarron, NM on March 29, 2023, at the age of 91. Bella was born on May 11, 1931 in Cimarron to Aurelio and Carmelita (Mascarenas) Martinez. She was one of ten children, which included her brothers and sisters Maximiliano “Max”, José “Joe”, Victoria “Vicky”, Florenzo “Lencho”, Rebecca, Henriquez “Henry”, Margarita “Margie”, Charles “Charlie”, and Antonio “Tony”.

Bella grew up on a ranch outside Cimarron and had many fond memories of her childhood. After high school, she moved to Denver with her sister where she eventually met Donald Brewer, whom she later married. She and her husband had three children: Ronald, Rebecca, and Vincent. As he was in the military, they moved around to many places including San Antonio and El Paso, TX, and spent 3 years in Japan from 1956 to 1959.

In 1960, Bella moved back to Cimarron to raise her three children and has remained a vibrant part of the community ever since. Bella was a woman of exquisite style, always interested in fine art and music, literature and poetry, and high fashion. Her greatest passions were singing and writing. Bella built a remarkable career as the Avon lady of Cimarron for over 60 years. During this time she not only was a wonderful mother and grandmother, but she maintained special relationships with her siblings, nephews, nieces, cousins, and friends. Her character was full of both love and strength, and she extended these qualities to everyone who needed them, including several charitable organizations, animals, and pets. She touched the lives of many and will be dearly missed.

She is survived by her brother Charlie, her grandchildren Naomi Dunham, Sarah Dunham, Anthony Chiaramonte (Claire McKnight), Luciano Chiaramonte (Michelle Chiaramonte), Daenon Brewer, Trystan Brewer (Dyllan Brewer), Sterling Brewer, and Jocelyn Brewer, her great-grandchildren Dominic and Alice Chiaramonte, Lonnie Brewer, and dozens of nieces, nephews, and cousins.

She is preceded in death by her parents Aurelio and Carmelita Martinez, her brothers Max, Joe, Lencho, Henry, and Tony; her sisters Vicky, Margie, and Rebecca; her sons Ron and Vince; and her daughter Becca.

Funeral services will take place on April 07, 2023, at 1:30 PM at the United Methodist Church in Cimarron, NM followed by a private burial at Mount View Cemetery.

Arrangements for Arabella (Bella) Brewer are under the direction of the Alderette-Pomeroy Funeral Home.

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