In a flurry of activity, the Raton City Commission during their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 24, upgraded the Crews Field Airport, the Raton Sr. Center, awarded project participation and lease agreements for the Kearny School Film Project and accepted a proposal agreement with an entity that is looking to help the community address vacant, abandoned and deteriorated buildings.
Ann Theis spoke to the commission on behalf of El Raton Media Works (ERMW) saying that it’s been two years since the project began in earnest. Since then, the City has obtained the Kearney School building from the Raton School district and issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a development of a community economic improvement project utilizing the school. The proposal that was received in response was submitted by ERMW and a committee established to evaluate the proposal found it to substantially comply with the requirements. The overall project cost is estimated at $10 million. The City has requested that amount from this year’s legislature in Capital Outlay funds. The project was awarded $1.1 million last year by Governor Lujan-Grisham, and though it has not been received yet, the word is that it will be arriving soon. City Manager Scott Berry also had good news delivered by a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that $3 million had been awarded to the project from the Omnibus Bill
Theis said ERMW had also applied for several other grants, USDA, Rural Business Development Grant and another in collaboration with Mora that would help film projects in Northern NM. She also requested those that were interested in helping could go to and sign a letter of support for the project.
The Commission okayed the Center for Community Progress proposal for an amount not to exceed $25,000. The Center is a non-profit that offers communities like Raton assistance with creating more effective government tools to address vacant, abandoned or deteriorated (VAD) buildings. Working in over 30 states they have helped craft and support the passage of legislation to improve delinquent property tax systems, code enforcement and harnessing land reuse tools like land banks.
City Clerk/Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci submitted the City’s 2nd Quarter financial reports for approval and what really stood out was a 19.30% increase in Gross Receipts collected above what was projected.
The 6% decline in Lodgers Tax Revenue was noted, but Antonucci said when compared with last year’s near record high, it was in line with prior years.
Earlier, the Commission gave approval to an almost $40,000 estimate to run electric service to the new hangar on Taxiway Delta at Crews Field Municipal Airport. The work is to be done by Springer Electric and would come from general fund monies from the City, but would be the first City money used for the project as NM State Aviation has fully funded the project to this point.
The NM Aging and Long Term Care awarded a capital outlay for the Raton Senior Center that will fund new walk-in coolers and removal and install of a new dishwasher and related carpentry. The sole bid of Mosark, LLC for a total of almost $125,000 was accepted unanimously by the Commission.
In other matters, the Commission postponed action on the professional services contract with Lloyd and Associates for the Train Depot Renovation Project till the next meeting, and also the tabled the appointments to the Raton Planning and Zoning and Raton Water Board until the second meeting in February.
Awarded the lease of the Convention Center governmental liquor license to the Raton Country Club.
Approved the Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board recommendation to purchase a full-page ad in the 2023 NM Vacation Guide and a Geo-Target for a total of $2,850.
In his Committee Report, Commissioner Don Giacomo reported the Raton Public Service Company elected their Board during their meeting on January 23 and Kathy McQueary was re-elected President, Monty McGowen, VP; Si Trujillo, Treasurer; and Alan Osborn, Secretary.
In his report, City Manager Scott Berry invited citizens to a public meeting for input on the proposed Sugarite Avenue Reconstruction Project from Roundhouse road to I-25. Currently there are two lanes of traffic both East and Westbound and the proposal would convert one of the east bound lanes to a bike and pedestrian path with the ultimate goal of tying in a path to Sugarite Canyon State Park. The meeting is scheduled for Wed., January 25 at 6 pm at City Hall
The Greenhouse Project at the old Armex Building is nearing completion and is expected the final inspection will happen in 10 days. The project was funded by a $700,000 capital outlay grant for economic development from the 2021 legislative session.
The Raton City Commission will next meet Tuesday, February 14 @ 6 pm and it will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490 and streamed on the KRTN Facebook page.