By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met for their final meeting of November on Tuesday November 22, and finally approved the Capital Assets Inventory along with financial reports and budget adjustments.
Commissioners approved the Legislative Capital Outlay priorities for the upcoming year and after hearing from City Manager Scott Berry who noted that the dam improvements monies should mostly come from federal monies suggested that the Film School and the Bartlett Mesa Ranch purchase be moved up to the number one and two positions. Commissioner Chatterley noted both are important but felt the film school would be a bigger economic development item for the city.
Commissioners approved the holiday schedule then approved the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board recommendation to award New Legends Productions for double page ads in the 2023 Winter, Spring and Summer issues to advertise local events. The request was for $8700.
Commissioners appointed Commissioner Chatterley to the Ports-To-Plains board. The city approved the membership fee at the last meeting to become a member of the organization which includes a seat on the board.
Raton approved the grant agreement with the Department of Finance and Administration for $25,000 to begin the planning and design phase of the Raton Civic Plaza on the old El Portal Property.
Each year the New Mexico State Auditor requires municipalities to go through their capital assets inventory and approve it. With several projects on the board this summer and other changes the capital assets inventory had several changes and projects that delayed the completion of the inventory.
Commissioners approved the budget adjustment for the Juvenile Justice Grant moving monies from the girls circle to the restorative justice line item due to an increase in activity in the restorative justice services.
Commissioners approved the October 2022 financial report which included the good news of a 16% increase in Gross Receipts taxes. The increase gives the city a little breathing room going into the slow season of the year. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted that the gas tax was coming in below normal with the cannabis excise tax holding stable. ( Link to October 2022 Fianancial Report)
Budget Adjustment #5 was also approved which included reimbursement for the police vehicle damage in the flooding under the north underpass. Other changes included overtime payouts.
Commissioners approved the disposal of RPS surplus or obsolete computer equipment. City Manager Scott Berry note tha paving project on Colfax Ave was complete with city crews going back next week to bring some driveways up to grade with the new asphalt. Public Works crews have been working on the streets that will be included in the 7 ½ miles of streets in the chip seal project that will begin this spring. (Link to FY23 Budget Adjustment #5)
Berry recognized the Family Worship Service and High Country Meats for their recognition of emergency services first responders. Raton water works assisted with plumbing issues at the Shuler Theater. The city will be receiving a MRA grant and will go out for an RFP for upgrades to the Coors Building. New Mexico Environment Department has hired a consultant to look at some of the buildings the city is hoping to include in the Brownfield grant request. City Manager Berry will attend the City Manager’s Conference as he was voted in as First Vice President.
Commissioners will meet again on December 13, 2022 for their only meeting in December as the December 27 meeting is cancelled due to the holidays.
L to R City Manager Scott Berry, Mayor Pro-Tem Lindé Schuster, Mayte Neal Segotta, Thayla Wright, Commissioner Lori Chatterley, Commissioner Ron Chavez and Commissioner Don Giacomo (Link to Proclamation Thayla Wright Recognition of Service)