By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi_media
The New Mexico Department of Transportation has begun the design process to rebuild the I-25 Clayton Highway interchange or not to answer the traffic congestion problem that is often seen during peak vacation and holiday times when travelers head home to Texas and Oklahoma from time spent in Colorado.
After the assessment period NMDOT engineers and consultants developed five plans and had those plans graded to develop a ranking of the different projects. Of the different projects one that keeps things fairly close to what Raton currently has ranked highest. That project could also include traffic lights to help control and facilitate traffic movement.
There are two other project designs that have a roundabout on each end of the bridge over I-25 to facilitate traffic flow, however it was noted that the unfamiliarity of roundabouts to many drivers could create wrong way drivers and possible accidents. The two projects that resulted in the lowest rankings included do nothing or replace the current bridge and make it wider and include better pedestrian and cycling access over the bridge.
Recently US64/87 was designated as I-27 from Amarillo into New Mexico ending in Raton. It was asked during the comment period if that designation has been taken into account in the design of the interchange. The answer is yes it has been considered into the design. Roy Gibson of Bohannan Huston noted that business access on both sides of the interchange will be maintained during the construction period. An engineers initial cost estimate for the project could reach $40 million with current supply issues.
NMDOT is accepting comments from the public via email at
For additional information on the project you can visit the project at
People can also send a letter to the NMDOT consultants Bohannan Huston at
Attn: Raton/Clayton Project Team
Bohannan Huston, Inc.
7500 Jefferson Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109