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Raton City Commission Approve Budget Adjustments and Financial Report

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media

Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening October 25, 2022, for their regular meeting where they heard more good news on the budget front and approved the budget adjustment and financial report.

Commissioners approved the Lodger’s tax request by KENW TV/FM for Radio Advertisement in the amount of $3500. They also approved the request for $4900 for tourist information center maps. The maps are for tourism attractions in the area.

Commissioners also heard from City Manager Scott Berry about the 2023 Legislative Capital Outlay requests which included $30,000,000 for Lake Maloya Dam improvements. $1.5 million for the Bartlett Mesa acquisition to finish off the payments and include some left over for improvements. $10,000,000 for the Kearny Film Production and workforce training facility. $500,000 for Public Works equipment replacement. $500,000 for the Civic Plaza work and another $500,000 for Drainage System Improvements and reconstruction. (link to Capital Outlay 2023)

Commissioners approved the amendment for the JJAC agreement which included minor verbiage changes.

Commissioner then approved the change order for the aquatic center which included $9117 for 3” piping, valves and flowmeter for the boiler system. $13,141 for backwash valves for the filtering system.

The city approved the funding opportunity from the Aging and Long-Term Services for a new commercial grade dishwasher for the Senior Center in Raton. The cost of the new dishwasher is $6349.

Commissioners postponed the grant agreement for the Civic Plaza as the grant money has not been released. They also postponed the certification of the capital assets inventory until the first meeting in November.

At the request of City Manager Scott Berry commissioners approved the extension of the grant agreement with NMDOT for another year. The grant was to run out on December 31, 2022 and it has been extended to December 31, 2023. Berry is hopeful they will be able to get the paving done on Colfax Ave but just in case he asked for the extension.

Commissioners approved the FY23 1st quarter financial report. The report showed a 12.97% increase in gross receipts taxes due in part to online sales. With the healthy GRT the city is seeing the coffers grow, however, City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted that November and December are usually slower months for GRT but is hopeful that online sales for the holidays will keep up the trend. She also noted the city is seeing about $4000 a month in Cannabis Excise tax monies. They will begin to budget that money in as the sales history grows. (Link to FY23 1st Qtr Financial Report)

Commissioners approved Budget Adjustment #4 for FY23 that included mostly line-item adjustments for the different departments. (Link to FY23 Budget Adjustment #4)

RPS will dispose of a 1997 ford pickup that will go to the public works department. They also have two other vehicles that will be sold off probably for scrap as they are in need over major repairs.

Berry noted that the Raton Mainstreet was recertified. He noted there has been conversations with Teresa Leger Fernandez about help with securing money for building rehab in downtown Raton. He also noted that there is some work going on at Lake Maloya on the dam spillway. There will be an environmental assessment on the solar site at the La Mesa airfield and in the future several other assessments that will go on before the construction of the facility can begin.

Commissioners will meet again on Tuesday November 8, which is election day in New Mexico, at 6:00 p.m. City offices will be closed November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day.

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