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Lady Horsemen Dominate the Lady Tigers for 3-0 win Thursday

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media

The long ride up from Santa Fe didn’t seem to bother the Lady Horseman from St Mikes as they simply dominated the Lady Tigers in two of the three games Thursday evening in Tiger Gym as they went 3-0 for the win.

While the JV match wasn’t as lopsided as the varsity match the Lady Tigers couldn’t get a handle on the ball and make the points. In game one Raton tied the game at 4, 5 and 6 but the Lady Horsemen took over and lead 19-9 before closing the game by 10. Game two saw Raton take the early lead 5-1 but St Mikes came back to tie at 9 and 13. St Mikes then took over the game and won it by six.

St Mikes   25  25
Raton       15  19

Game one and three were simply ugly for Raton as mistakes and strong play by the Lady Horsemen simply dominated Raton. Game one saw St Mikes pull out to a 17-7 lead and hold Raton to only two more points in the game.

Game two was the turnaround game as Raton took the lead and pulled out to an 11-8 lead. In this game the Lady Tigers Cyrena Ayon, Giana Marez and Samantha Phillips played a great game at the net making the blocks and spikes they needed to maintain the lead. St Mikes, however, came back and tied the game at 20 and 21 but pulled out in from and shut Raton down for a four point win.

Game three was, well it was ugly, as St Mikes’ Marisa Sandoval-Moya was credited with 17 straight points while she was at the service line for all 17 serves, before Raton could mark the scoreboard. It was 17-0 when Raton finally got a point on the board. But Raton could do little more and ended the game down by 20.

St Mikes  25  25  25
Raton        9   21    5

Paige Lemons and Elaina Gigante ready for the hit as Juliana Plazola looks on during the JV game Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Paige Lemons goes to the floor for the save during the JV game with St Mikes Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Samantha Phillips and Anisia Martinez go up for the block but as happened several times during the match the St Mikes slams were hard and fast like this one from Marissa Sandoval-Moya Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.

Anisia Martinez goes low for the hit Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Giana Marez makes the hit during the match with St Mikes Tuesday evening in Tiger Gym showing her ability to play all over the court not just at the net.
Giana Marez makes the slam over the net as Alana Overton goes for the block Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Samantha Phillips makes the block from the slam by Alana Overton Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Samantha Phillips and Cyrena Ayon go for the block during the match with St Mikes in Tiger Gym Thursday evening.
Anisia Martinez makes the slam as Marissa Sandoval-Moya goes up for the block in Tiger Gym Thursday evening.
Samantha Phillips meets Alana Overton at the net as she makes the slam and Phillips makes the block Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
1 of 2 Its another meet at the net as Samantha Phillips and Alana Overton battle the ball over the net Thursday evening gin Tiger Gym.
2 of 2 Its another meet at the net as Samantha Phillips and Alana Overton battle the ball over the net Thursday evening gin Tiger Gym.
Paige Lemons backs up Reyna Marquez as she got up for the hit Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
Sophie Melina makes the tip back over the net after St Mikes Carmen Pacheco punches the ball over the net Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.
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