By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening October 11 for their first regular meeting in October where they approved the third budget adjustment for FY23.
Danielle Vanderpool gave a short presentation to commissioners about the Skillsharp Learning program they have at the Center for Community Innovation. The program is open to all citizens of Raton and the surrounding area. With over 6000 courses, with 85% mobile compatible there is something for everyone. She noted that they have been talking with the Raton High School to provide a Health Careers pathway program. Gamification/skillup digital badges is a program where the courses are similar to games to appeal to the younger crowd.
Sandra Young from Moss Adventures was approved to the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board. She spoke to the commission and told them that they have not felt this welcome in other communities that they have done business.
Commissioners approved a bid for green waste grinding (tree limb grinding). The only bid was from Rocky Top Resources for $53,250 plus GRT. They will grind up the piles of tree and shrub limbs at both the Armstrong Street location and the new Hereford Street location.
Commissioners approved the MOU with the Center for Community Innovation which includes the changes of costs and scope of work being done. City Manager Scott Berry noted that the city is looking over most all of their contracts and MOUs for possible updates.
Commissioners approved the FY23 Budget adjustment which includes line item adjustments for expenses in the general fund as well as a temporary transfer to cover the Airport Hangar project until the grant is closed out. (Link to FY23 Budget Adjustment #3)
The Capital Asset Inventory is mostly complete according to City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci who requested the resolution approving the inventory be postponed to a later date as there are some things that are still being finalized.
Berry noted in his report that the auditors were on location for their field work. The paving project on Colfax Avenue will likely begin in the next week or so. The city has requested help from a grant writer to write grants for federal funds for work at the Shuler Theater and to begin planning work on the East 10th Street Bridge.
Raton Fire and Emergency Services have received the new pharmacy vending machine they have been waiting on. When asked about the new Monument Welcome Sign Berry noted it is in the conception stage and that the Way Finding signage will be extended down to Clayton Road.
The next city commission meeting is scheduled for October 25, at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers at city hall.