By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening at City Hall and approved the city’s final budget for FY2023 and approved event forms and the demolition of a structure at 568 North First Street in north Raton.
RPS has requested that their solar project be added to the ICIP for this year. The ICIP is a document that is used to help the city secure funding from the state and federal government. The city is also requesting public input on the document which will be approved at an upcoming meeting.
Commissioners approved the event for Raton High Homecoming Parade to be held on September 23, 2022. They also approved the Lodger’s Tax board recommendation for $490 to the Center for Community Innovation for printing costs etc. and administrative training for Explore Raton’s hospitality training map to help train local businesses on what activities and sights visitors can visit in and around Raton.
Mosark LLC was awarded the bid for demolition of 568 North First Street for a low bid of $28,900 plus GRT. Farmers and Ranchers welding bid $50,000 while KC&MC Services bid $68,900.
Commissioners approved the MOU with the Continuum Advisory Board as required by the JJAC Agreement with the City.
Commissioners approved the resolution asking the NMDOT to prioritize I-27 development. The route is part of the Ports to Plains corridor and the first step of the project will be to expand I-27 from Lubbock southward to the Mexican border at Laredo and from Amarillo up through the Texas panhandle into New Mexico. The report findings indicate there could be up to 10,770 construction related jobs as well as 20,034 indirect jobs created by 2040 with the expansion of the interstate.
It’s time to spray for mosquitos and the City of Raton will once again join with Colfax County to pay for vector control services. It is noted that if you are a beekeeper or have issues with the chemical used you should contact the city or county to declare your property off limits for spraying.
RPS will be disposing of three vehicles a 1992 pickup, a bucket truck and digger truck. Commissioners approved that action.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted it was time for the final budget adjustment for FY2022 to make sure all items balanced out and grant funds had been taken care of. The year-end financial reports for the city, Raton Water Works and Raton Public Service were also presented and approved. Antonucci noted that due to online sales and construction projects the GRT was well above budget and a payment from the Water Board leaves the city in better financial shape than expected for the year. Antonucci noted that the city has budgeted for an increase from the GRT but is being conservative not knowing how online sales will go. Commissioners also approved the final budgets for all three entities. (Link to FY2022 Final Budget Adjustment)
Jason Phillips sat in for City Manager Scott Berry and noted construction projects should be completed in the next couple of weeks and then he thanked several of his department heads and crews for the extra work they had done with the recent rains and taking care of the city’s aging drainage system.
Notice is also given for a possible quorum at the Raton Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan Implementation workshop to be held at the Raton Convention center on August 1, 2022, from 5:45 to 8:00 p.m. At question is the possible sale of the city owned Coors building or a public private partnership to help revitalize the downtown area.
Commissioners will meet again on August 9, 2022, for their first regular meeting of August.