By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Commissioners approved requests for funding and updated agreements at their regular meeting June 28, 2022 and continue to hear good news about the gross receipts income.
Commissioners approved the event form for Run to Raton to be held on July 21-23 here in Raton. They also approved the Public Celebration permits for the event as well.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax Board recommendations for Raton Mainstreet for the Gate City Music Festival in the amount of $16,938 for advertising. They also approved $6,970 for KCRT/KBKZ radio advertising. Billboards in Dumas and Dalhart Texas were also approved in the amount of $500 for the first year, $525 the second year and $550 for the third year.
Commissioners heard from Raton Mainstreet who requested $3000 to cover propane costs for the International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally. Northern New Mexico Gas Company who normally provides the propane ran into last minute issues and is unable to provide propane this year. Raton Mainstreet after some wrangling managed to obtain propane from Pinnacle Propane at a reduced cost for the event.
The Memorandum of Understanding with Shuler Restoration was approved for the third year. City Manager Scott Berry noted that next year the city would request proposals for operations of the Shuler Theater as the agreement with Shuler Restoration will expire.
Commissioners approved the lease for a copier at city hall from Tascosa Office Machines for $384.72 a month for 48 months.
The city approved the increase for tipping fees from $27.50 to $28.56. With fuel costs increasing the cost of solid waste transportation is also increasing and will see costs of $240 a trip to the landfill in Levi which could also increase.
Commissioners also approved the bid from Northern Mountain Constructors Inc. for $135,923.50 for asphalt paving on Colfax Street. Rocky Road bid $173,092 leaving Northern Mountain the low bid.
Envision IT was also approved to provide IT services for city departments. Raton also approved the E911 grant from the State Board of Finance totaling $124,650.
Commissioners also approved the changes to the Per Diem and Mileage reimbursements. Per Diem for overnight travel is now $155.00 for both instate and out of state travel. To stay in Santa Fe the Per Diem is $202.00.
City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci told commissioners that the GRT came in at 16.05% above the projected budget. As the fiscal year end comes to a close Antonucci noted the city is in good shape financially as online sales and construction projects have boosted city revenues. (Link to May Fy22 Financial Report)
City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that the VA Clinic in Raton is now safe for the time being. He also heard from Representative Ledger Fernandez that congress has allocated $3,000,000 for the Kearney Film School and workforce building. The funding still has to go through a couple of committees, so it is not guaranteed. Berry also noted that the Nature Conservancy and the Trust for Public Lands have completed the sale for the Bartlett Mesa property but there is a $2.4 million dollar deficit in the funding.
City Hall will be closed on Monday July 4th and commissioners will meet again on July 12, at 6:00 p.m.

Sponsors for the Lemonade Day youth entrepreneur program are Phil Long Ford, Route 66 Insurance, Center for Community Innovation, New Mexico Bank and Trust, Di Lisio LLC, Home Associates Realty, Dulces Encantado