By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners approved the 3rd quarter financial report at their April 26, Tuesday evening meeting where the financial news continues to be good with respect to the city’s gross receipts taxes which once again are about 13% above budget.
Commissioners will meet on Saturday April 30, for a budget workshop at the Raton Readiness Facility on US 64 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the budget. City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci noted that the City of Raton GRT will decrease July 1st to 8.3833% she added this is a result of House Bill 163 decreasing the state rate from 5.125% to 5%. The city has seen an additional $347,030 or 13.12% increase in GRT above the projected budget. If this trend continues the city will likely see some shifts in services noted City Manager Scott Berry. (Link to 3rd Qtr Financial Rpt FY22)
Commissioners approved the event forms for Raton Mainstreet Carnival on June 20-26 and the Balloon Rally set for July 2-4th. Ann Theis was appointed as Film Liaison for the City of Raton.
Commissioners approved the bid for a shingle roof project at the Senior Center for $18,617 from Superior Roofing of New Mexico based in Albuquerque. The other bids ranged from Stoven Construction’s bid of $46,900 to Sunwest Roofing LLC for $29,804. Naturescapes of Cimarron bid $41,000. The city received two bids for replacement of water damaged ceilings over the driveway and the southeast covered patio. Replacement of damaged skylight lenses and painting of the exterior stucco and related work from Naturescapes for $34,000. Stoven Construction bid $58,300 for the project.
Commissioners approved the capital outlay grant agreement with Raton Mainstreet for the train depot renovations. The grant will go for $270,900 with a city match. Berry noted that with State Historic Preservation Organization reviews the project could have an extended timeline.
Commissioners authorized City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci to proceed with the loan agreements for the two new fire trucks which she noted delivery could be as much as 22 months out.
The city will partner with El Raton Media and Media Commons to apply for a USDA Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grant. The grant money will go to help renovate the Kearney School and to acquire studio equipment for the project. The request will be for $1.5 million. The city will use $315,000 of the $1.1 million in capital outlay funds the city received from the state for the project.
Commissioners approved Budget Adjustment #11 for FY22 which Antonucci noted was mostly line-item transfers. She told commissioners that she prefers to move monies around instead of dipping into the city reserves when she can. (Link to Budget Adjustment #11 FY22)
City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that only one individual showed up from Miami after the evacuation notice was given to Miami residents. He added that the Cook’s Peak fire has been moved up to the third most important fire. It has burned over 54,000 acres and was listed as having 18% containment. Cooler temperatures and one to four inches of snow helped quell the fire but forecasts are for more wind and dryer conditions which could allow for flareups.
Commissioners went into executive session to discuss possible litigation against Horse Racing at Raton LLP. The results of that executive session was to finalize the complaint and and have attorneys file it to move forward with the litigation. Details of the complaint are still being worked out and will be available once the complaint is filed.
The next regular meeting for the Raton City Commission will be on May 10, at 6:00 p.m. with a work session to be planned for April 30 at 10:00 a.m. at the Raton Readiness