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Raton Commission Hears Good Audit Report, 13% GRT Estimate Increase, Pickleball Courts Request

By Marty Mayfield KRTN Multi-Media It was a cold and snowy March 22, Tuesday evening when Raton City Commissioners huddled up to hear a short presentation on this year’s audit and a lengthier request for pickleball courts. Commissioners began the meeting by moving the audit report up to the beginning of the meeting where Alan Bower of Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC informed the commission that the audit received a very good report with no exceptions. The audits of all three entities, City of Raton, Raton Water Works, and Raton Public Service Company were equally clean. Commissioners then acknowledged the report. Leslie Fernandez then spoke to commissioners about Pickle Ball. A sport that is growing rapidly in popularity among all ages. She came before the commission explaining the sport and where a group of up to 80 citizens have been participating lately at the convention center. They were using the high school tennis courts until the weather turned bad and were allowed to move to the convention center. They can get three courts inside the facility. JP Duran Informed commissioners that they are hoping for eight courts in the area of the aquatic center. To do eight courts will fill a space of 160’ x 160’. Concrete for the courts would run about $69,000 with the actual court surface running about $52,000. Fencing and lighting costs have not yet been received by the group who is looking for grants to help pay for the courts. It was also noted that the VA Clinic in Raton is slated to be closed. The facility serves about 868 vets from around a very large area. In order to save the facility, it is being requested that people contact our New Mexico federal elected officials as well as elected officials from the surrounding states as several vets come from Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas. Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax requests for the Raton Supercross for $2200 and the ad for the World Journal Summer Guide for $1200. They postponed the request from the Dawson Reunion group until a couple of concerns could be addressed. Their request includes a couple of items that commissioners felt may not be covered in the regulations covering Lodger’s Tax uses. Approved a proposal from Parkhill, formerly Gordon Environmental for land fill monitoring. The cost of the proposal is $28,990 which City Manager Scott Berry hasn’t gone up in the last couple of years. Commissioners approved the use of the Houston-Galveston Area Council contract for the purchase of one ladder truck and one type one engine. The city is applying for a loan from DFA to cover the type one engine and a portion of the ladder truck. Fire Funds will be used to cover this debt service. Because of construction and other delays the city should see the new trucks in about two years. Alpha Design will be used for the professional service to replace the doors at the convention center at a cost of $6800 plus GRT. Commissioners approved the budget adjustment of $500 for the JJAC Grant. It moves travel expenses to the Youth Sub Committee to cover stipends for the committee members. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci went over the rules for the budget preparation and guidelines for the FY23 Budget cycle. Berry suggested a budget workshop this year to be held at the Airport Armory building in late April. The FY22 February financial report was given noting a 13.18% increase in gross receipts tax income over budget. The city also saw an increase in the small cities assistants funds which Antonucci said she will use some of the increase to help cover expenses in fuel costs and other items that have increased significantly in the last months.  (Link to the FY22 February Financial Report) There are several line-item adjustments in the nineth budget adjustment for FY22. Some of which are to cover increased costs from natural gas costs for the aquatic center. Lodger’s tax monies were also being moved around since there weren’t very many requests over the last couple of years for promotional funds the city now has a surplus. (Link to FY22 Budget Adjustment #9) City Manager Scott Berry noted in his report that the city has several grant applications in the works that include street improvements and one grant to digitize city documents. Commissioners then went into a closed session to discuss the city manager. Commissioners will meet again on April 12, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers. City offices will be closed on April 15 for Good Friday.  

Leslie Fernandez spoke to commissioners about Pickle Ball and asked the commissioners to consider building eight new courts for the sport here in Raton. She added that she would be more than happy to work on a grant for the courts if the city is willing to accept the funding. She noted that some 80 area residents are participating in the sport locally.


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