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St. Mike’s Horseman Wrangle Raton for a District Semi-Final Win

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

Friday night February 25, the number two seed Raton Tigers hosted the number three seed St. Mikes Horseman for a semifinal district 2AAA playoff that ended with the Horseman beating Raton by a 50 – 40 score and earning the right to take on Las Vegas Robertson for the district championship game Saturday night.

The first jump ball went awry and the second jump ball went to St Mikes who took it down and Adam Montoya missed the easy lay-up. Hoping this would be a trend for St. Mikes it was quickly proven wrong as Raton posted the first two followed by St Mikes dropping in two baskets to take the lead from which they never looked back on.

The first quarter continued with Raton not only missing the bucket but coming up short in the rebound department. The St Mikes defense held Raton to only five points. Raton only went to the free throw line once in the first half while the Horseman added four from the charity stripe. At halftime it was a 10 point difference 26-16.

The halftime breather led to more of the same with Raton held to single digits while St Mikes expanded the lead by five. The fourth quarter was different from the first three, as St Mikes went to the free throw line 15 times dropping in eight of their 10 points for the quarter. When the final buzzer sounded St Mikes had outscored Raton by 10. The number 10 was a recurring theme as Raton won by 10 earlier in the season at home and St Mikes won the second matchup game by 10.

St Mike’s will travel to Las Vegas for a district championship game with Robertson.

The NM State Basketball seeding show will be on Sunday afternoon where Raton and other area teams will find out if they will get an invite to the final dance.

St Mikes  12  14  14  10  50
Raton        5   11    9  15  40

St Mikes High Point
Devin Flores  21  – 9 of 13 free throws
Adam Montoya 9  – 0 for 1 free throws
Free throws 12 of 25 attempts

Raton High Point
Anderson Weese 17 – 2 of 3 free throws
Dylan Quartieri 9 – 2 3-pointers
Matthew Quartieri 7 – 1 of 2 free throws
Free throws 3 of 6 attempts

Right from the Jump Ball it was a Horseman game as Devin Flores controls the jump ball during the District Playoff game in Tiger Gym Friday night.
Diego Armendariz goes for the block as Dylan Quartieri goes for the shot Friday night in Tiger Gym during the district playoff game.
Dylan Quartieri goes up for the shot as does Diego Armendariz, this time getting hand on the ball to block the shot Friday night during the district playoff game in Tiger Gym.
Another battle for the ball with Dylan Quartieri and Diego Armendarzi during the district playoff game in Tiger Gym Friday night
Lalo Tafoya goes in for the shot Friday night during the district playoff game in Tiger Gym.
Its my ball says Dylan Quartieri as Diego Armandariz pulls the ball down during the district playoff game in Tiger Gym Friday night.
Matthew Quartieri goes up for the shot as Adam Montoya gets hand on the arm for the foul Friday night in Tiger Gym during the district playoff game.
Matthew Quartieri goes for the shot jumper as Adam Montoya and Devin Flores squeeze in for the block Friday night during the district playoff game in Tiger Gym.
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