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Raton City Commission Gets More Good News From GRT, Online Sales

By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday, January 25, for their second regular meeting of 2022 where more good news came from Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) reports.

In the 2nd quarter financial report City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted that the GRT once again came in above budget. So much so, that the General Fund is 10.13% above projected budget amounts for this time of the year. Antonucci noted this was for November sales including online sales and is hoping December will also be good. She noted that online sales are new, and no one has been able to project their influence on GRT receipts. (Link to 2nd Qtr Financial Report)

Commissioners approved the contract with Spectra Comm for the tower sight on the old pass that was once owned by C&C Communications. The contract is for 10 years at a rate of $600 per year.

The city liquor license is up for renewal in February and the lease agreement with the Raton Country Club was renewed and will run for one more year. Antonucci noted in November the city will again request proposals from prospective leasees to handle the liquor license for local events.

Commissioners approved the new travel policy to include reimbursement for Travel expenses and per diem for city employees and public officers. The rates will increase from $85 for instate to $151. The in-state rate for Santa Fe County will go up from $135 to $195 per day.  Milage rates will follow the IRS guidelines and will change on January 1 of the calendar year instead of the July 1 for the fiscal year.  (Link to Travel Policy)

The grant agreement with Children Youth and Families got a boost of $162,684 to cover Girls Circle and Boys’ Council activities. The amendment also includes money for restorative justice which required an amendment for the subcontract with Human Resources Development Associates.

Commissioners approved the disposal of surplus fire equipment that will be donated to the Trinidad Ambulance District. The city had received $1,100,000 from capital outlay funds for a new ladder truck which fell short by $167,943. The city is applying for a loan from the New Mexico Finance Authority for $903,955 to cover the remaining cost of the ladder truck and to purchase a Type-1 Engine worth $736,012. The loan will be repaid with fire funds over the 10-year life of the loan. Raton has $400,000 in reserve fire fund monies that may be used for the purchase of the equipment. How much will be determined when the loan application is approved.

City Manager Scott Berry sat in on a day-long web meeting covering federal funding as well as state capital outlay issues and priorities. He also sat in on a webinar covering EPA and other federal funding for recreation and tourism.

Berry will attend a DOT planning meeting that should release funding to be applied for in February. He also noted that the city will apply for and EDA grant for $3 million for the Kearney school. Phase two of the Aquatic Center improvements is underway. Municipal day at the state legislative session will be held February 3rd and 4th in Santa Fe.

The City Commission will meet again February 8th at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting, which will be streamed on KRTN Facebook and broadcast on AM 1490.

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