By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners approved bids, loan agreement and grant amendments at their December 14, 2021, regular meeting and wished Mayor Neil Segotta a speedy recovery after his surgery.
Commissioners also met with the RPS Board in a special meeting before the regular meeting and approved an amendment with Guzman Energy LLC, to run the new generator during the winter allowing Guzman to take advantage of the natural gas prices and the use of the electricity generated by the power plant.
Commissioners approved the 2022 holiday schedule and then heard the first appeal of the new vacant buildings ordinance. Owners of the property on 1101 South 2nd Street indicated in their letter to the commission that the building is used for storage and occasional work. Commissioners after hearing the definition of a vacant building or storage facility had question for the owners wanting to know how often work is being conducted at the property and about signage that indicates it is a viable business. Commissioners postponed their decision till the second January meeting.
Commissioners approved the new Union Contract with the Raton Firefighters Local 2378 which will take effect on Wednesday and continue for the next two fiscal years. Changes to the contract were made to meet new minimum wage laws as well as the unusual work schedule that fire fighters work.
Commissioners approved the 2022 legislative capital outlay funding requests which include $30 million for Lake Maloya Dam repair and upgrades to meet new safety requirements. Other requests include Bartlett Mesa Ranch acquisition $1,500,000, Civic Plaza construction $500,000, Evidence Storage Building $1,500,000 and other equipment type purchases. (Link to Legislative Capital Outlay Funding)
Commissioners approved the loan agreement with the NM Finance Authority for the Cimarron water project which will include the replacement of equipment mainly pumps and motors that had been installed in the 1980s. The $1,081,689 loan will be paid back with the .75% gross receipts tax that was imposed for such projects.
Once again due to increased costs on the CDBG grant the city has requested $92,607.87 in additional funding which was approved by the New Mexico Community Development Council at a special meeting in September.
The grant agreement with New Mexico State Aviation was approved. The state has approved the hangar project at the airport and recommended the construction of the bigger hangar proposal at a cost of $914,000 which the state will cover 100% of the cost.
Commissioners approved the proposal of a committee to construct a greenhouse consisting or two 30×108 foot buildings. The 60×108 foot structure will be built and completed by July of 2022. The cost of the structure and work is $700,000.
Approved a $14,000 general obligation bond appropriation for the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library which is used for operations at the library.
Commissioners approved using $75,000 of American Recovery Act funding to help disadvantaged homeowners to upgrade their electric meters. Dave Piancino, General Manager at Raton Public Service noted that there are several homeowners who have meter bases dating back to the 60s and they need to be upgraded to meet new electric metering.
The city approved the purchase of a new ambulance to replace one that is on its last legs according to Emergency Manager Dusty Russell. The cost of the new ambulance is $369,478 and will be designed in such a fashion that it can be placed on a new engine drive train frame package thus reducing the cost of a new ambulance. The new ambulance will have advanced filtering and UV sanitation lighting.
Commissioners approved the surplus vehicle and equipment list. City Manager Scott Berry noted that most of the equipment is only good for scrap. Commissioners also approved surplusing two 2010 Ford Explorers and donating them to Mora County.
Postponed the new travel policy as City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci noted it wasn’t quite ready for approval. It will be brought back up at the January 11 meeting.
Approved Budget Adjustment #5 for FY22. Some of the adjustments are being made as a result of the commission’s approval of earlier agenda items. One of the big items was the approval of the hangar project that will be covered 100% by the state and the CDBG grant changes. (Link to FY22 Budget Adjustment #5)
City Manager Berry had a short report noting his attendance at the city manager’s conference and that the construction work at the train depot’s parking lot has begun with needed dirt work before spring asphalt paving can be done.
City offices will be closed December 24 for Christmas and December 31 for New Year’s. The December 28 regular meeting as normal has been cancelled and the next regular meeting will be January 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

also pictured is Downing’s daughter and family Liz, Robert and Bob Wick.