Aaron Sena Stevens
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 as Mayor Pro-tem Lindé Shuster called the meeting to order in the Raton City Commission Chambers.
The commission heard from citizens present including Paul Reaker, who is making it a personal mission to raise awareness and provide counseling on suicide prevention through potential community outreach partnerships.
Commissioners then heard from Ranger Pat Walsh, Regional Interpretive Ranger with NM State Parks. An Emergency Preparation and Climate Resilience Program was held with local 6th grade classes. Kids were chosen for their projects to receive Grant funded emergency Preparedness “Go Bags” and first aid kits, provided by the Turner Community Youth Foundation and Vermejo Park Ranch.
Commissioner Lori Chatterley reported that the Outdoor Recreation Task Force met virtually on October 13. The topics included discussion of Bartlett Mesa, ideas for the old El Portal empty lot, and a preliminary plan to purchase signage to encourage biking through town. Also, Commissioner Chatterley reported the North Central NM Economic Development District met on October 22 to discuss EDA grants. They encouraged tourism projects to be submitted before the upcoming deadline, anticipate the topic to be presented to the commission in January 2022.
Commissioner Giacomo attended the Library Board meeting, the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library will be holding a Book Sale on Saturday, October 30 from 10 am till 2 pm.
Mayor Pro-Tem Schuster and Commissioner Ron Chavez attended the water board meeting on October 19th. Chavez reported that Lake Maloya is currently at 2.5’ below spillway in 2021, in contrast to 5.5’ below in Oct. 2020. Currently, we are operating on the Cimarron system, the Ponil crossing repairs are completed and currently using the new crossing pipeline to transport water to Raton. Crews replaced the 10” valve on the NRA waterline, replaced the filter at the new lift station. A Diver was hired at the cost of $5000 to close the main valve at Lake Maloya that has been causing recent issues. Crews have finished vegetation mitigation at Lake Dorothy dam.
Mayor Pro-Tem Shuster attended the Raton Intermediate School listening session, and during the session, they heard public comments and input from students as to what they would like to see for our schools and youth.
She encouraged the public to attend the next meeting on November 9th.
Commissioners approved Lodgers Tax Recommendation for KENW FM advertising in the amount of $3,500.
Commissioners approved the Authorization to purchase roll-off containers for the new Hereford Avenue Transfer Station. 3 written quotes were received, the recommendation for the contract to roll-off containers be issued to WastEquip with the lowest bid in the amount of $44, 923.
City commissioners reviewed and approved the letter of engagement from Modrall Sperling for bond counsel services related to NM finance authority financing for Cimarron water delivery and pump station upgrades, authorizing City Manager Scott Berry as signatory. Berry presented the cost proposal to provide legal service with a flat fee of $20, 0000.
For phase one of the Cimarron delivery system project, it is proposed to finance $1M through NMFA due an existing state purchasing agreement. However, to fully rehabilitate the system we will need close to $1.75M. Berry noted the current system went online in the early 80s and is approaching 40 years of aging. There is a need for newer technology replacement and rehabilitation of the entire system including telemetry that is required to run the system. The funds for the project would come from supplemental GRT ¾ cent voted on in 2018.
Commissioners then approved the Adoption of City of Raton Credit Card Policy for the use of credit cards. City Clerk Michael Ann Antonucci pointed out that recent talks with auditors indicated that it is good to adopt a policy for existing cards, as auditors will test invoices to make sure we follow the policy with proof of receipt.
Commissioners approved the FY22 1st quarter Financial Report. Cumulative general gross receipts fund collected from October is 5.9% above our general fund ytd budget projection, which was attributed to the recent construction we have seen and possibly to the new online sales tax. Compared to the cumulative GRT from the same period last year, there was an overall increase of about 14.3% which Antonucci said might indicate that we possibly may have been a little too conservative in the budget projections. This is a good indication of the impact of the online sales tax, as they will to monitor GRT going into the winter months.
Small cities assistance in the amount of $250,000 will be received for the fy22 budget that generally will be distributed after the 30-day legislative session that ends Feb 17, 2022. We may receive an early distribution this upcoming year since this is a 30-day session.
Antonucci also said the Lodgers Tax comparison, looks good for the first quarter despite the limited occupancy requirements. Not as many heads in beds, but the prices in the lodgers have had to charge increase in room rates. For the Gas Tax comparison, Raton has seen a significant increase in gas tax revenues the distribution collected in October was $27,255.85 the highest we’ve had in the last 4-5 years for the month of October. City Manager Berry noted the Raton was one of 44 cities involved as part of the City of Albq suit vs tax revenue department. The net proceeds to Raton were $53,214, less attorney fees of approximately $5,000.
City Commissioners approved the FY22 Budget Adjustment #3.
Commissioners postponed the Authorization of Certification of the City of Raton’s 2021 Capital Asset Inventory until the next commission meeting because the City Clerk is still working on it. Additions of fixed assets to inventory such as the great blocks projects will be added as that comes to a close.
City Manager Scott Berry reported that EMS fire personnel have been joining forces with the NM Department of Health to offer vaccine clinics at the Raton Convention Center every Wednesday. Berry noted that citizens can register for either initial vaccines or boosters through vaccinenm.org.
A virtual meeting with the State Board of Finance was held Oct 19th in regards to the city’s request for the transfer of Kearney school from Raton Public Schools to the City of Raton. The school board approved the resolution and agreement, and the request was approved by the State Board of Finance to complete the transfer for the Proposed development of a film production facility and workforce development project.
Berry also gave a quick review of the vacant building ordinance, passed in early 2021, new staffers that are contacting property owners with requirements for the ordinance. Currently, owners have the responsibility to register vacant buildings with an annual fee and requirement to cover insurance, to remind owners they have a responsibility. Also, staffers have stepped up various nuisance ordinances including dangerous buildings, zoning violations, and graffiti.
Commissioner then moved into a closed executive session to discuss collective bargaining with the Raton Police Officers Association.
Commissioners will meet again for the regular meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 6pm. The meeting will be broadcast live on AM 1490 and KRTN’s Facebook Page.