By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday October 12, to handle a light agenda approving event forms, purchasing agreement for police equipment and service agreements.
Commissioners approved event forms for a couple of Halloween events coming up at the end of the month. Raton Mainstreet is partnering with the Raton Police Officers to do a costume contest at Ripley Park then the kiddos will embark on a return to a more normal adventure of visiting local businesses as they make their way to the Elks Lodge for a Halloween tradition of goodies and drinks at the Elks Lodge.
The Lion’s Club is putting on a maze for the younger kiddos at the Multi Modal center on October 31 from 2:00 to 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. and a haunted house at Doggy Stylz in the basement October 29-31 from 8:00 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Commissioners introduced a supplement to Ordinance 940. This is the eleventh supplement which will become effective immediately upon approval. A public hearing will be held before the commission gives their final approval.
Commissioner approved the purchase of CAD software for the Police Department at a cost of $104,000. The city received $70,000 from Capital Outlay monies and will use $34,000 from the General Fund Reserve to finish off the purchase. City Manager Scott Berry noted that had they not acted quickly on this the price could have doubled. He added we are fortunate to have received the software at this price along with the support.
Commissioners upon the recommendation of City Manager Berry rejected the bid of $179,000 plus over $15,000 in GRT for Aquatic Center Repairs. Berry noted that the costs of some of the materials and supplies had doubled and almost tripled from the estimated costs that were figured during phase one of the project. Berry noted the Aquatic Center is fully operational and that they will repackage the bid request and take care of the most pressing issues with the plumbing.
Commissioners approved the amendment to the service contract with Envision IT. Due to increased staff and computers the monthly cost has increased to $2530 a month.
The second budget adjustment for FY22 showed the transfers for the CAD system as well as the PAPI system at the airport. There were other small adjustments to cover operational expenses. (Link to FY22 Budget Adjustment #2)
Barry’s report was also short and sweet as he told commissioners about the Watershed and Dam Owners conference that he attended her in Raton. He has received word that the State Board of Finance will finalize the transfer of the Kearney School for the city. The Raton School Board met with Senator Pete Campos as did city official to discuss issues at the football stadium and the hope of getting money to repair the track. They also discussed the purchase of the Bartlett Mesa Ranch. Vehicle chargers project at the Multi-Modal center is progressing and it is hoped they will be operation in about three weeks. City crews will be on Tiger Drive making repairs after the Railroad finishes their repairs on the railroad crossing.
Commissioners will meet again on October 26, for their next regular meeting in October.
(Link to the Proclamation Domestic Violence Month)