2021 Raton High Homecoming Royalty Left to Right Ashan Maso, Taylor Aragon, Devon Ramirez, Faith Allison, William Berry, Abigail Phillips, Dylan Quartieri, Riley Hopper, Matthew Quartieri, Breanna Martinez
The 2021 Raton High Homecoming King Devon Ramirez and Queen Faith Allison were crowned at the Homecoming pep rally Friday morning in Tiger Gym. The Court was chosen by the student body from Senior students and the winners were voted on this week by the student body.
RHS 2021 Homecoming King Devon Ramirez and Queen Faith AllisonHomecoming Court Matthew Quartieri and Breanna MartinezHomecoming Court William Berry and Abigail PhillipsHomecoming Court Dylan Quartieri and Riley HopperHomecoming Court Ashan Maso & Taylor Aragon2021 Raton High Homecoming Royalty Left to Right Taylor Aragon, Ashan Maso, Riley Hopper, Dylan Quartieri, King Devon Ramirez, Queen Faith Allison, Matthew Quartieri, Breanna Martinez, William Berry, Abigail Phillips
Great coverage