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Message From The Office Of The Superintendent of Raton Public Schools

Raton Public Schools

                                                     OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT

1550 Tiger Circle

Raton, NM 877410

(575) 445-9111

Kristie Medina, Superintendent

Beverly Vukonich, Executive Secretary


September 21, 2021


Parents and Families,

We would like to inform you of a serious matter in our schools. Currently, at our school, there is a TikTok challenge circulating on Social Media that encourages students to vandalize school bathrooms, classrooms, water fountains, and more. This challenge also encourages students to steal items from teachers’ classrooms and teachers.

We have already started to have some issues at our school that has caused damages. These damages do cost to be repaired and will be thoroughly investigated and those individuals will be held accountable. Participating in this social media “challenge” will not be tolerated, and students found to have vandalized school property for any reason, will face suspension, expulsion, restitution costs, restorative justice, and/or criminal vandalism charges.

We ask for your help in this matter to speak with your child about proper behavior at school! We have high expectations for our students and their behaviors at school. I ask that you discuss this with your  student(s) as well as the possible consequences. Please spend time reviewing and discussing your son’s or daughter’s social media access, posts, and recently viewed items.

Thank you for your support in this matter!

Signed: Kristie L. Medina

Raton Public Schools Superintendent



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