By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton hosted the Lady Rattlers from Tucumcari Thursday September 9, 2021 in Tiger Gym for their home opener to a rather limited crowd as the school prepares to go on a 10 day voluntary remote learning stint.
Mask restriction were in place Thursday as the girls took to the court with the JV girls keeping it very close in game one with a tie game at points 23 and 24. Raton pulled it out with a 26-24 win to take game one. Game two saw Raton pull away from the Lady Rattlers but by the end of the game Tucumcari had battled to within two. Raton pulled it out with a 25-22 win.
The varsity girls saw their first game stay close until the end when Raton pulled out the win with strong play at the net and keeping the ball in play to force Rattler mistakes. Game two started out close but Raton built a lead and finished it off with a seven point win. As game three got under way Raton was hitting and blocking like no other as they pulled out in front and never looked back extending the lead to 20-9 at one point in the game. Tucumcari however didn’t give in and soon rallied to bring the game within six as Raton struggled to get the ball over the net for points. Raton found the groove again and finished it off with another seven point 25-18 win.
Tucumcari 24 22
Raton 25 25
Tucumcari 20 18 18
Raton 25 25 25