There will be a Work Session of the City Council of
the City of Trinidad, Colorado, on
Monday, August 9, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 135 N. Animas
Street, Trinidad, CO 81082 and
Through Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 897 5873 0667
Passcode: 325408
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Meeting ID: 897 5873 0667
Passcode: 325408
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The following items are on file for consideration of City Council:
1) Report from Debbie Wagner
2) Alley A discussion
3) Minors in Possession as municipal violation
4) Amendment to Chapter 16 to include Theft as a municipal violation
5) Follow-up discussion regarding Power & Light reliability
6) Discussion of other agenda items
Individuals with disabilities needing auxiliary aid(s) may request assistance by contacting Audra Garrett,
City Clerk, 135 N. Animas Street, Phone (719) 846-9843, or FAX (719) 846-4140. At least a 48 hour
advance notice prior to the scheduled meeting would be appreciated so that arrangements can be made to
locate the requested auxiliary aid(s)
Work Session of the City Council of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, on Monday, August 9, 2021, at 5:00 p.m
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