By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening July 27, 2021 to approve celebration permits and deal with the final budgets and adjustments for the FY2021.
Commissioners approved several celebration permits for Blü Dragonfly Brewing and Colfax Ale Cellar. The events include El Raton re-opening set for August 20, Bill Fegan Memorial also on August 20 and the gate city music festival in September. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted this will be the first time that the new hospitality room at the Historic Shuler Theater will be used.
Commissioner reappointed Randy Madison to the Extraterritorial Zoning Commission along with Chuck Hyde who is a new appointment to the board. Commissioners also appointed Scott Berry to the Extraterritorial Zoning Authority Board and Liason to the Extraterritorial Zoning Commission rather than a commissioner since the commission has to rule on any disputes that would come before the city commission.
The city will receive $1,462,633 from the Feds for Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery funding. The city will receive the money in what is being called trenches and have received $731,316.50 for the first trench. City Manager Scott Berry recommended that the city give $50,000 each to Grow Raton, The Center for Community Innovation and Mainstreet and to purchase a new Type II ambulance with UV Sanitation system installed for about $300,000. Antonucci noted that this money comes with very specific spending requirements.
Another Public Hearing was held on the ICIP which is due on September 17. The plan includes projects the city would like to see funded over the next five years. Public comment on the plan can be made to city hall or attend one of the public hearings. Kathy Harris noted that Colfax County is looking at creating an industrial park on property they own near Raton and asked that the city include monies to help with that process.
The MOU with the Juvenile Justice Continuum Advisory Board was updated for the current fiscal year. The agreement goes till June 30 2022.
Commissioners then heard a brief discussion on the final city budget and budget adjustments to balance all the accounts. Raton has a final budget of $5,124,860 which is due into DFA on July 30, 2021. Antonucci noted that this year 71% of the budget comes from gross receipts taxes. She went on to add that online sales tax will be distributed this year and it is unknown what to expect from those revenues. She added the budget is a living document and will see several budget adjustments throughout the year. Once approved by DFA the city will post the final budget on the City of Raton web page. (Links to RES 2021-47 BAR#17 Raton Unaudited Financial Rpt 6.30.21 Raton FY22 Final Budget Recaps copy)
The city will participate in the November 2 election this year with a filling deadline of August 24 for the open commission seats. Candidates must go to the Colfax County Clerk’s office to file their candidacy this year.
The next regular city commission meeting will happen on August 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers at City Hall.
(Link to the Proclamation 44th Army band)

Members of the team include Warren berry, Greyson Cummings, Cade Espinoza, Dejah Finelli, Riggs Mack, Aveah Marcus, Carter Marcus, Andre Ortega, Anthony Ortega Jr, Alfonso Sanchez, Carisa Trujillo and Braylon Walton with Coaches Matt Berry, Danny Cummings and not pictured Buck Sanchez (Link to Proclamation Little League All Stars)