By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening for their first regular meeting of July where they approved agreements and introduced the revision of the zoning ordinance to include cannabis related businesses in the zoning plan as mandated by State House Bill 2.
Commissioners approved the public celebration permits for the Run to Raton event which include Left Turn Distilling, Blu Dragon Fly Brewing and Palmer Brewery and Cider House. The event will be held July 22-24 on First Street with the first night being held at the Aquatic Center.
Commissioners took comment on the ICIP Plan to be submitted to the state but no one in attendance had anything to say. The ICIP is on the city web page for residents to look at.
Commissioners approved the dispatch agreement with Colfax County which remains at $49,062.
Commissioners approved amendment #1 with the Raton Trap Club. The club has a trap shoot range on the airport property and the lease will extend to 2026.
Commissioners approved the form for the 2021 Fiscal Recovery Funds. The city will receive $1,462,633 with an expiration date of December 31, 2026. The funds are for Non-Entitlement Units of local government and have a list of very specific items the funds may be used for. Approving the form is the first step in receiving the funds which City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci hopes will be here soon. Commissioners Chavez noted that one item that piqued his interest was that the funds could be used for broadband infrastructure which Raton is in dire need of.
Commissioners introduced the revisions to the zoning ordinance to include the changes mandated by House Bill two for cannabis operations. This was an introduction and public hearings will be on the agenda for the next two commission meetings to gather public comment on the changes. Residents can also make comments to city hall or by email to city hall personnel. The revisions will include spacing requirements and where the three different categories of businesses may locate.
Jason Phillips filled in for City Manager Scott Berry and noted the events that have taken place over the last week including the little league all-stars games which a Raton team won and noted that local Zack Redd won his division at the Motocross races this last weekend. Phillips and Berry presented their pitch for the two road projects in Raton to the NMDOT this week. Phillips is hopeful that the city will be funded on at least one of the projects if not both. Those projects are the Frontage Road work and the work on Sugarite Ave for pedestrian and bicycle path.
Commissioners will meet again on July 27 at 6:00 p.m. for their second meeting of the month.

Members of Raton Mainstreet and Balloon Rally Committee were on hand Tuesday evening to accept the proclamation for the July 4th events that the Mayor proclaimed were a big success after the 2019-2020 hiatus. Link to Proclamation Raton Mainstreet July 4th events