Raton High School Graduation 2021
Not how we thought our Senior year would go -KayLee Maes
By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The 2021 Raton High School graduation was planned for a noon outdoor ceremony at Tiger Stadium but once again the weather forced the switch to an indoor event at Tiger Gym Friday afternoon May 28, 2021.
Many Ratonians woke to low overcast skies Friday morning that soon cleared but an ominous forecast was calling for rain moving into the Raton area shortly after the RHS graduation was expected to start at noon. So early Friday morning the decision was made to move the ceremony to Tiger Gym where the Class of 2021 would receive their diplomas and make that right of passage to a new beginning.
Dr. LeAnne Montoya RHS Principal welcomed the Class of 2021 and expressed how proud she was of the graduates having made it this far despite all the trials and tribulations of the preceding year. She noted it has been no joke leading the school through a pandemic speaking to students who she had not met in person during the school year until now here at graduation. She added it was now ok to color out of the lines and adventure forward into life.
The Class of 2021 graduated 50 seniors this year with three students being so close in grade point averages that it came down to the final days to determine who would be named valedictorian and salutatorian. Dr. LeAnne Montoya felt the three girls were so close in grade point averages that she awarded Baylor Walton with a special award as she was right behind Valedictorian KayLee Maes and Salutatorian Anna Acosta.
Class valedictorian KayLee Maes started her speech with “This year was definitely not how we thought our senior year was going to go. The last time we all went to school together was a random Friday in March.” Referring to the Friday before spring break in March 2020 “We had 14 days to flatten the curve, and here we are 14 months later at graduation for the Class of 2021”
Salutatorian Anna Acosta noted in her speech that “Today we celebrate more than us graduating, we celebrate the beginning of our future.” She went on to add, “Looking back at what could have been the best year yet we have learned many things. We have learned to persevere through hardships, expect the unexpected, and how to use Canvas routinely.”
She added, “As we sit here celebrating one of our greatest achievements, we can proudly say we not only graduated but we have done so in the midst of a global pandemic. We can finally change the story of how our parents got to school.”
Baylor Walton, Class President said, “You want to describe the year 2021? Well, this is the first time we’ve been together as a senior class and it’s at our graduation ceremony. We didn’t see that coming, did we.” As she closed her speech she told the Class of 2021, “I want you each to know that I believe in you and I know you are going to do something wonderful in this world. I wish you all the best of luck moving forward, although you don’t need it, because you are all amazing people. I love this class and remember, it’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon.”
Congratulations to the Class of 2021