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In Loving Memory of Lorraine Potter Ortiz

Lorraine Potter Ortiz passed away at the age of 90 on December 23, 2020. Born and raised in Raton, she always called Raton home.

Some of her favorite memories included praying as child just before bed with her grandfather and aunties, then watching a couple of her aunties sneak out a window once their grandfather went to bed. She recalled loving to roller skate down North 1st Street and going to a matinee movie at the Shuler. She remembered when Raton would get a summer rain every afternoon and what she called “waterdogs” or “guahalotes” appearing from the ground. She remembers Orlando’s father strolling the streets playing his Stratavarius violin–yes a Stratavarius–just because and no special occasion was needed. She recalled how all the different ethnic groups that arrived to work in the mines got along.

Lorraine graduated from Raton High School and attended her high school reunions into her 80’s. She loved singing and dancing until the day she passed. She never forgot the fun she had going to dances at Schwede’s when Squeeze Ruiz’s band played. She remained lifelong friends with Rosemond and Dora, friends she had for eighty years.

Her most recent Raton memory involved walking her dog Daisy not realizing that a bear cub was watching her every move from high in the cotton wood tree just above her.

Lorraine was fortunate to travel the world, having visited England, Paris, Spain, Rome, Mexico and Hawaii, among other places. The place she loved the most was Raton.

Lorraine Potter Ortiz is survived by her three sons Pat, Kirby and Mike and daughter LeeAnn. Lorraine was preceded in death by her parents Pat and Myrtle Potter and sister Erma Potter, and husband Leo and son Larry. The family hopes to have a celebration of life later in 2021 in Raton.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio