By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commission chambers were mostly empty Tuesday night as four of the commissioners were on the phone while Mayor Neal Segotta presided over the meeting at City Hall Tuesday evening November 23, 2020 to handle a fairly short agenda.
Commissioners approved the 2021 holiday schedule and moved on to approve the disposal of several old police vehicles as described by City Manager Scott Berry. Commissioners approved the sale of seven Crown Victorias from 1996 to 2000. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci noted the vehicles will be advertised and accept sealed bids for the vehicles. (Link to List of Cars for Disposal)
Commissioners also went along with RPS and Raton Water Works approval to extend the suspension of the convenience fees for credit card payments of utility bills and disconnects for non-payment due to covid hardships. The suspension will extend to March 2021 and could be extended to June 2021 if needed. The suspension started in March 2020 in response to the Covid crisis.
Commissioners then heard from Michael Anne Antonucci that the Lodger’s Tax was down by 31% as compared to last year, but there was enough money in the non-promotional fund to allow the funding of the Raton Arts Council and Raton Museum. Both organizations had been funded up to 50% at the beginning of the fiscal year and were waiting to see how the lodger’s tax faired during the pandemic. Commissioners approved the additional 50% for each organization. The Raton Museum will receive a total of $15,000 and the Raton Arts Council will receive $18,000.
Terry Baca noted that the Arts Council had minimal sales and was appreciative of any help they received. Kethy McQuery noted that the Raton Museum was only open for a small portion of the year and their admission and sales were down by 83%.
In his report, City Manager Berry noted the intersection at First and Cook will be closed for another three weeks to allow the concrete to cure fully for the Great Blocks construction project.
The city staff has been hard at work taking care of the Cares Act monies the city has received and then Berry thanked the Glenn A. Ducat and Beverly Krivokapich Living Trust for their donation of land to the City of Raton. The property is located north of Tiger Drive and to the west and south of KRTN.
The Raton City Commission will meet again at 6:00 p.m. on December 8, 2020 in one form or another at the commission chambers in Raton City Hall.