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One Comment

  1. Tom Poteste Tom Poteste November 15, 2020

    Steve Pierce is a disgruntled trumpster who couldn’t win as governor and has nothing to offer but the same claimless accusations as trump continues to make daily. Biden won the popular vote by over 5 million. Every other presidential candidate conceded the election before the electorial count. but now we have to hear how we have to wait for the count as trump files useless lawsuits that have all been shutdown. It is time to move on from the egotistic, racist, sexist, fear monger, and pyscopathic lier we have had for president who sows division like we have never seen before. Shame on KRTN promoting this propaganda to the public without any facts to back it up. Steve Pierce continues to spout his baseless claims about the integrity of something as important of our electorial system where republicans have done everything they could to suppress the right to vote.

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