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Colfax, Union, Harding County Go Red in General Election

Colfax, Union and Harding Counties in New Mexico are isolated in the Northeast corner of the state and historically have felt disconnected from the rest of the state.  If voter preference is any measure, the three counties are on an island seperate from most of the rest of the state as they voted in favor of Republican candidates up and down the ballot on November 3rd.

Colfax County had a total of 6,059 ballots cast out of 8965 registered votes which translated to a voter turnout of 67.58%, just slightly higher the NM Voter Turnout of 67.51%.

In the only contested race in the Colfax County, Bret Weir outpolled Debbie Balzano 57% to 43% for County Commissioner, District 3.

Union County had a voter turnout of 68.7%, while Harding County had an impressive 73.5% cast ballots.

There were no contested local races in Union County and the only contested race in Harding County saw Christine Trujillo win the Harding County Treasurers office with a 78% victory over Robert Aragon.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio