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Raton Commission Approves CARES Grant Reimbursement

The Raton City Commission met in regular session at City Hall on Tuesday, October 13 and moved quickly through five agenda items including approving funding for local partners who are helping several local businesses apply for Raton CARES Small Business Relief Grants.

The City was awarded in excess of $718,000 in NM CARES funding and City Manager Scott Berry requested $12,000 for partial reimbursement for the services provided by the partners including The Center for Community Innovation, GrowRaton and Raton Main Street.   Members have provided support and services to some 18 Raton businesses who have requested funding.  The application and process is very detailed, time-consuming process and along with Raton Economic Development Director Jessica Barfield,  partners have not only counseled and reviewed the applications, but have identified five categories of business development services including; 1. Business Intake, 2. Branding Marketing or Advertising Refresh, 3. Business Development Information, 4. Google Business Listing and 5. Façade Improvement.

The Commission unanimously approved the request and Berry said he expects a second cycle of grants to open up soon and possibly even for non-profits.

The Commission also approved the Raton MainStreet/Phil Long Ford “Haunted Street” Drive Thru Trick or Treat event for October 31.  Raton Main Street Executive Director, Brenda Ferri and President Christine Valentini explained that they were approached by Louis Martinez of Phil Long about the idea of the project and the community has embraced the idea with 20 businesses signing up to hand out goodies.  Ferri explained that kids are to stay in the vehicles and head south on First Street from 4 to 5 pm beginning at Ripley Park and the businesses will then bring the candy to the car.  The Raton Elks will also hand out hot dogs near the end of the route.  Businesses will compete for cash prizes for decorating their booth/table/trunk.  For information, businesses should call Raton Main Street.

During his report, City Manager Scott Berry said the city is moving forward on the hopes of obtaining an EPA Brownfield Grant for dilapidated properties specifically in the 200 block of South Second.  An environmental assessment is needed from the EPA and that in itself is expected to take a year or more.  The Brownfields Program provides grants and technical assistance to communities to assess, safely cleanup and sustainably reuse contaminated properties.

Berry also spoke of the Amtrak Southwest Chief stating that just prior to Covid, ridership was up to near record levels and they were looking at breaking even with the route, something they had never done before. Now even though NM, Co and Kansas have poured in close to $100 million, the route is being cut back and Berry noted he had seen a 1979 article in the Raton Range that stated the train was doomed that year and would never come back.  Berry’s take on the situation is that it’s going to be a continual battle and urged all residents to write letters, electronic or regular mail, and make calls to our representatives to have them keep the pressure on Amtrak.

Also prior to the action items on the agenda, Mayor Neil Segotta read a proclamation honoring Carol Woodworth of Raton for not only her 27 years of service on the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Board, but for helping found the Early Childhood Coalition, being an elementary teacher for 20 years and a founding member of the Raton Master Gardeners and of the Raton Arts Council and numerous other ways she has volunteered her time.

The YOU ROCK AWARD for this period went to Amy Atwater and Pat Garrett at The Art of Snacks as the pair served thousands of free meals to area residents during the first part of the Covid pandemic.

City Clerk/Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci had to ask for another extension on authorization of the 2020 Capital Asset Inventory for the City as there were additional glitches in the compilation and reporting that have not been fully resolved.  Antonucci’s Budget Adjustment #2 was approved by the commission.

The open meeting business took just over a half an hour and then the commission adjourned into closed session to discuss pending litigation of Mark and Lori Van Buskirk vs the City of Raton.

The next regular meeting of the Raton City Commission is on Tuesday, October 27 at 6 pm with the proceedings broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.

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