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Oil Conservation Commission Approves Produced Water Rule Changes



Contact: Susan Torres

Public Information Officer, EMNRD



September 4, 2020          


Oil Conservation Commission approves produced water rule changes

Santa Fe – Yesterday the Oil Conservation Commission (OCC) approved rule changes to align existing OCC rules governing produced water with the 2019 Produced Water Act. The rule changes are designed to ensure language matches the Produced Water Act as well as require additional reporting to better track the types and volumes of water used in oil and gas industry drilling operations. The final version incorporates suggestions from the parties that were supported during public comment throughout the two-day hearing conducted in July. The rule changes will go into effect upon publication in the New Mexico Register.

Produced water is a topic of great concern to the public and this administration, and the rule changes finalized yesterday are only the first step in the review of existing produced water regulation. The new rules provide the data and groundwork for additional rulemakings that will further protect the environment and regulate the oil and gas industry. Better data collection will provide the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Oil Conservation Division (OCD) with more information on current water use practices and ensure that future proposals are based upon science and data. These rule changes in no way authorize the use of produced water outside of the oil and gas industry and further clarify that no surface application of produced water or recycled produced water will be allowed within the oil and gas industry.


The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department provides resource protection and renewable energy resource development services to the public and other state agencies.

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