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August is International Overdose Awareness Day

An Overdose Can Happen To Anyone
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 to raise awareness on overdose and strive to reduce the stigma of alcohol and drug-related deaths by overdose.
Learn The Signs Of Overdose
Recovery is Possible

Changing the pattern of substance use is not easy, but it is worth it. A person that decides to step into recovery from substance use has to change multiple aspects of life: coping tools, a network of people, environment, choices, and comfort zone. This can make change very difficult, even when the change may result in positive and improved outcomes.

People can and do overcome internal and external challenges, barriers, and obstacles.

During International Overdose Awareness Day you can make the difference. Remind people that recovery is possible. Talk openly about substance use and overdose. Offer hope that change is possible. For hope is the catalyst for the recovery process. Let’s end the stigma about substance use and reduce overdose death rates in our community.
If you are ready to step into recovery but are not certain where to start, call the New Mexico Crisis and Access Line at 1-855-662-7474 and talk to a mental health professional now. We are here to hear from you. We are here to help you find resources.

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