A family-focused program designed to build nurturing
parenting skills for families affected by substance
misuse and abuse in Taos and Raton
Participants include:
*partners of parents in treatment or recovery
*extended family members parenting children of substance
using adults
*parents in treatment and/or recovery
Online program to include:
*effective parenting for children of all ages and stages
*a trauma-informed, evidence-based national curriculum
*practical activities for families to use
*personalized support from a facilitator
For more information or to register, please contact Colleen
Shaughnessy: canmanager@youthheartline.org or 575-999-5747.
Youth Heartline is hiring! We are seeking a dynamic professional to fill two key roles in our Raton office. The ideal candidate will fill the roles of Raton Staff CASA Advocate, and Case Manager for youth in transitional living.
Interested applicants can view the job posting at www.youthheartline.org/jobs
To apply or for more information, please send resume, cover letter, and internal application to director@youthheartline.org
**Applications sent via Facebook will not be viewed or considered.**