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Cimarron Challenge 2020 is Cancelled

Greetings all. We are making the not-so-surprising announcement that the Cimarron Challenge 2020 is cancelled for this year.

We deeply regret we have had to cancel this amazing cycling opportunity, especially during a year when we know all of you have lost events you were looking forward to on your calendar.

While be believe we could do the event safely, considering all risk factors, we have not been able to get a final commitment on our forest service permit which was awaiting the approval of the State of New Mexico. Our state is still taking a very cautious approach to COVID-19 and recently rolled back part of our reopening plans.

We had hoped by now that our current pandemic situation would have been near over, but that is just not the case.

Rather than keep people who need to make travel and lodging plans guessing, we feel it is best to cancel for this year and shift our focus to really blowing the lid off this event in 2021.

Cimarron Challenge will take place onĀ August 21, 2021.

Those of you who registered have three options available:

A) A complete refund of your entry fees
B) Defer your entry to 2021
C) Convert your entry to a donation to Cimarron Challenge, Inc. which is a 501(c)(3) corporation chartered in the state of New Mexico which benefits beautification projects, scholarships, and quality of life initiatives within the village of Cimarron, New Mexico.

Even though Cimarron Challenge has scrubbed the 2020 event, There’s still well more than 70 miles of safe forest road you can explore on your bike. National Forest campgrounds are open and there’s plenty of lodging in the area. Come on out and explore all this remote part of the country has in store for you, it is a gravel paradise! Nearest towns for lodging are Raton, NM 35 miles from the Valle entrance and Cimarron 5 miles from the entrance or check on-line for “Carson National Forest Valle Vidal Unit” to learn about camping in the Valle.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio