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Cimarron Municipal Schools must Change the Plan that was Sent out Last Week

“The Public Education Department has rescinded a previous guidance that was issued to us last week. This means that they have basically voided it and we are no longer allowed to follow it. Therefore, Cimarron Municipal Schools must change the plan that was sent out last week via phone calls and the community meeting. As of now, no students above the third grade will be allowed to be on site at school campuses except for those students in special education. This means there will be no 5 to 1 small group on site instruction or face-to-face orientation days for grades 4-12. All orientation plans for grades four-12 will still be in place but they will be done remotely. Teachers will be calling parents tomorrow to go through more information for students grades 4 through 12. The student plans for pre-K through third grade will not change. We sincerely apologize for the change.”

Cimarron Municipal Schools

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