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Raton Board of Education is Requesting Proposals

Request for RFP’s – 1) Physical Therapy Services & 2) Diagnostician Services

The Raton Board of Education is requesting proposals for: 1) Physical Therapy Services for a single year or a multi-year contract and 2) Diagnostician Services for a single year or a multi-year contract.

A listing of services can be requested by calling 575-445-9111; from the Raton School Administration Office, 1550 Tiger Circle, Raton, NM 87740 or

The deadline for sealed proposals is 12:00 noon on August 17, 2020

Please mail or deliver marked and sealed bids to:

Raton School Administration Office, 1550 Tiger Circle, Raton, NM 87740

The Raton Board of Education reserves the right to accept/reject any or all proposals.

All persons conducting business with the Raton Public School District shall refrain from any criminal acts including bribes, gratuities, and kick-backs. Legal ref: 13-1-191

*Each proposal may be awarded consideration for a bid value reduction in compliance with NMSA 13-1-21. Offeror shall include a copy of their NM Resident Business Certification and/or NM Resident Veteran Business Certification issued by the State of NM Taxation and Revenue. An offeror cannot be awarded both a Resident preference and a Resident Veteran Business preference.

All vendors must also complete the enclosed Campaign Contribution Form.

Jason Phillips, President

Raton Board of Education

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