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Letter to Students and Parents of Raton Public Schools

July 29, 2020
Dear Students and Parents:

All of us at Raton Public Schools have missed you and are anxiously waiting to see you soon at school. As the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we operate and how we will conduct business and schools we, at Raton Public Schools, are prioritizing the safety of our school community, while also not letting this virus stand in the way of our commitment to serve students and support their success. There will be changes at Raton Publics Schools this school year as we adhere to state and local health guidelines regarding school operations. Guidance from health agencies is dynamic and constantly changing. As the current situation continues to evolve, we will continue to keep you updated and involve your concerns in the decision-making process.

Considerations for Re-Entry Plan
Health Officials and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have indicated the combined use of face coverings (masks), rigorous hand washing practices and physical distancing are the best way for us to stop the spread of COVID-19. Some of the new requirements we anticipate for onsite learning are;
 Students will have their temperature scanned before being allowed to enter school buildings or playgrounds. Students with a
temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will be sent home
 The school will provide PPE for students and staff that is required by state and local mandates. However, if you would like to
use your own PPE that is acceptable
 Students in grades PreK-12 must wear masks or face covering while at school
 All school staff will wear face coverings
 Students must wear face coverings and or masks to enter the bus. Temperature will be monitored to permit entry.
 Social distancing will be practiced by staff and students throughout the school day
 Outdoor breaks will be monitored by staff to ensure students practice social distancing
 Hand sanitizer will be provided, and proper handwashing and hygiene will be expected
 On-site learning for students will take place in two-day hybrid blocks; A Group Monday and Tuesday. B Group will attend
Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a remote learning day.
 Teachers will support off-site learning for all students using various forms of electronic communication.
 Students are allowed to bring their own snacks/lunch but will not be allowed to share their food with others.
 No deliveries of food, drink or other items will be permitted once the school day has started
 Students failing to comply with social distancing and safety measures addressed above will be asked to participate in a full
distance learning model
 Reopening guidance as outlined above will be followed with fidelity in accordance with state and local health requirements.

Thank you in advance for your support helping us safeguard each other and our community.
Dr. Christopher Bonn

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