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New Census Deadline October 31, 2020

COVID-19 has caused delays to the Census Bureau’s Timeline, but there is still plenty of time to count your household.

The Census is a simple 10 question form that happens once every decade in an attempt to count everyone who lives in the US. IT determines how more than $800 billion in federal funds are distributed to communities across the US, including over $7 billion per year right here in New Mexico.

This funding supports important things like roads, schools, healthcare, public safety, and other essential service programs. It also ensures that our state receives equal representation in Congress, the State Legislature, and in our city government.

Did you know?

It is extremely important for you to fill out the census.

Just a 1% undercount in New Mexico means a loss of $780 million dollars over the next ten years.

The questions are simple, your answers are protected and it takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Here’s what you need to do:

Fill out your census as soon as the US Census Bureau sends you your unique household code. If you have questions, visit or call (844) 330-2020. Count everyone in your household. This includes babies, children, and anyone sho is living and sleeping there’s most of the time. Encourage friends, family neighbors, and colleagues to do the same.

Than you for your dedicated work to your community and for shaping the future of the state by filling out the census.

If you have additional questions about the census, please visit

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