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Seniors Enrolled in Medicare will Soon see a Reduction in Cost for Insulin

Yesterday, President Trump delivered a breakthrough for many American seniors, announcing action that will dramatically slash the cost of insulin for Medicare enrollees.

🎬 President Trump: We’re fixing the shortcomings of Obamacare!

“For hundreds and thousands of seniors enrolled in Medicare—that’s a big deal—participating plans will cap the cost at just $35 a month per type of insulin, and some plans may offer it free,” President Trump said from the Rose Garden.

“In the past, Obamacare prevented insurance providers from competing to offer lower costs for seniors. There was no competition—there was no anything—and they ran away with what took place. And the seniors were horribly hurt.”

One in three seniors on Medicare suffers from diabetes, and over 3.3 million of these beneficiaries use at least one type of insulin. These patients have seen their out-of-pocket costs skyrocket—but thanks to President Trump, that’s about to change.

MORE: President Trump is reducing the cost of insulin for America’s seniors.

🎬 President Trump: America’s seniors deserve better—and we’re delivering it


During his career as a pediatric neurosurgeon, HUD Secretary Ben Carson saw firsthand how resilient Americans are in times of crisis and personal difficulty.

Time and again, his patients—along with their families—showed grace and resolve despite the obstacles being thrown in their way. “I am seeing exactly the same thing in our country with the COVID-19 crisis,” he said.

“People coming together—this is the way that we will win.”

Fortunately, that light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view. After months of sacrifice by Americans of all backgrounds to slow the spread of Coronavirus, all 50 states are in a position to begin reopening now or very soon. Many states already have.

Before Coronavirus, America was in the midst of an economic rejuvenation. Historically marginalized communities, including African-American and Hispanic Americans, were witnessing near-record-low unemployment and poverty rates just a few months ago. The same was true for women and Americans without a college degree.

Now, the Trump Administration is working hard “to bring that renewal back again and make it even stronger and better than it ever was before,” Secretary Carson says.

🎬 America’s renaissance is ready for a comeback

Scott Turner: The Trump Administration is leaving no community behind!

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