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Help Prevent Youth Suicide in New Mexico; New Mexico Department of Health Contest

The Brief

Who Can Submit? Any youth in New Mexico ages 12 – 24 years old

Your Mission: Create a video ad or post for social media or a design for a billboard/ bus wrap ad to build awareness for Youth Suicide Prevention and provide youth with resources for mental health. If chosen, you’ll get to see your design on a billboard, on the Department of Health social media, and maybe even on a bus!

Your Audience: All youth in New Mexico

Your Topic: Bring awareness to Youth in New Mexico regarding suicide prevention and resources for youth to get help. We want to reduce the stigma about mental health and provide resources for youth to access mental health services. Although there are many existing media campaigns regarding suicide prevention, most do not speak specifically to youth. We want you to address what will motivate youth to reach out for help if they are considering suicide. Please note that you should not include logos or branding – except for the New Mexico Crisis and Access Line of the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, which must appear in your design as a resource.

Why: To prevent youth from dying by suicide in New Mexico and encourage them to access mental health resources and seek help.

Prizes will be awarded to the winners!

Contest Guidelines & Info
Select a contest below to view specific details on entry guidelines, judging criteria and best practices. You may apply to multiple or all contests as long as the entry follows all guidelines and requirements. Multiple winners will be selected annually and submissions will be rotated throughout the year.

  • 3 ways to submit: Billboard, Short Video, Social Media Post
    • All designs and videos must be oriented horizontal/landscape.
    • Designs must be original.
    • Do not use design elements that are not of your creation (i.e. do not use stock photos, emojis, logos).
    • If you are taking a photo to use as the visual in your design, be sure to use the highest resolution possible on your camera/phone since the final design will be scaled to billboard size.
    • You can create your own message or tagline; remember to keep the overall word count to 7 words or less.
    • Do not include a Department of Health logo on your design; we will add it to the winning designs and videos. Make sure your design meets the requirements:
    • Artwork/graphics: pixel dimensions 400×1400 pixels; videos should be HD and at least 720×480.
    • Color Mode: RGB
    • File Type: Uncompressed JPG; we’ll need the native files you used to create (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)
    • Billboard/graphics: limited to 7 words or less.
  • Videos: limited to exactly EITHER 10 or 25 seconds in length.
    • Simple. Don’t include a background that is distracting or confusing.
    • Clear and understandable. Viewers only have a few seconds to understand your billboard message, so make it clear and easy-to-read. Videos with (original music or audio must be clear and easy to understand.
    • Accurate. If you use statistics, cite your sources (Note: you don’t have to use statistics to drive your point home!)
    • The New Mexico Crisis and Access Line or the National Suicide Lifeline must be featured in the submission. Judging Criteria
    • Ability to capture the attention of others, specifically, the attention of your peers.
    • Clarity of message – it must be understandable and well-structured.
    • Creative expression – put your personal stamp on it.
    • Persuade others to use mental health resources and decrease stigma. Get the attention of youth; get them to act.
    • Videos and graphics should be of good production quality.
    • Submission DOES NOT depict an act of suicide.

Winners contacted by July 15

Entries DUE by July 1 to

Start by mapping out an idea on paper. Write down as many ideas as possible, then go through your list and pick your favorite(s). Take those favorites and expand upon them, but ensure that your ideas are original. You can check that your ideas are original by doing a quick Google or internet search of your concept or keywords.

Tell a story and be creative
Don’t overthink this project. We want you to tell a short story in the form of a video, social media post, or billboard ad. We’re looking for a well-made PSA, but we also want you to talk to your peers with your voice or through art. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you’re crafting that message to share with your peers.
• There is a stigma around the topic of suicide that prevents people from getting help. How can we break through stigma?
• How can we encourage youth who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts to access help?
• What would influence you to access mental health resources? How can you turn that into a PSA?

Although this is a serious topic, your submission doesn’t have to be overly serious. You have a creative license to use appropriate humor, popular culture, personal impact, or whatever moves you. Be creative and just make sure that your creative execution is in good taste, is non-partisan and not affiliated with any specific religion, comes from your heart, and adheres to the rules.

Capture attention
The first thing you must do is capture the attention of other teens and young adults. Create something they will notice and want to check out. There should be some sort of entertainment value and immediate attraction to your ad/submission. Remember that you can make a difference People wait their entire lives to affect positive change in our society. Through this project, we are offering you that opportunity now. You have a unique, authentic voice and point of view that can save lives. It’s not only possible; it’s probable.


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