By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners once again met in a modified meeting structure for their first May meeting Tuesday evening May 12, 2020 and went over bid awards and approved other purchases.
Commissioners heard from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci about her progress with the interim budget, and again advising commissioners that until we see GRT for March we won’t know how badly the city revenues will be impacted. She noted that the staff has put together a proposed budget based on last year’s budget with some trimming to hopefully meet some of the shortfall. It was noted that New Mexico received a large chunk of money from the stimulus money but the governor’s staff told mayors in a meeting recently that if you follow protocol your city will likely see some of the stimulus money.
Commissioners postponed a vote on Resolution 2020-28 approving financial support for Raton Mainstreet waiting for the MOU with Raton Mainstreet and New Mexico Mainstreet and the city of Raton to be completed.
Commissioners approved a savings of over $611,000 by refinancing the loan that was used to purchase the Burro Canyon Line and the Warzilla power plant from ARPA. The savings will come from a lower interest rate of 1.27% down from 4.68%. The total amount being refinanced is $3.642 million. The total cost of the refinance will total out at $3.986 million.
Commissioners approved the purchase of two chest compression systems for Raton EMS. The system will allow for CPR to be performed hands free while an EMT is performing others duties and can remain seated in the back of the ambulance while it is enroute to the hospital. The cost of the two units is $28,719 of which the feds will pay for 75% 12.5% by the state and a match from the city of 12.5%.
Raton Fire will purchase new fire hose to replace hoses that are reaching 37 plus years old. While the purchase price is $99,770 the department was able to secure a grant to pay for 90% with a 10% match by the department.
The city of Raton received approval from the state auditor to use the same audit firm as last year since looking for a new audit firm will be difficult at best in these trying times. The price quoted for the audit by Karr, Riggs and Ingram is the same as last year at $59,950.
Commissioners approved the low bid of $57,082 from Bulldog Energy Solutions to install a precision approach path indicator at the Raton Airport. FAA usually pays for 90% but will cover the full amount of this project meaning the city and state will not have to provide matching funds.
Commissioners approved budget adjustment #13 for this fiscal year. There will be a correction of $3200 for the fire hose purchase since it is less than the one bid received. Antonucci also requested approval to add money to the micro loan fund as they had two more applications of $4102 which was above the money left over. (Link to FY 2020 Budget Adjustment #13)
City Manager Scott Berry told commissioners that they had a pre bid meeting on the solid waste transfer station and expect to see bids by May 19 for the construction of that building. He noted that Raton Mainstreet received seed grant money for the Raton Small Business sustainability program.
A special legislative session has been scheduled for June to deal with the budget shortfall. So Berry noted that the city is trying to get all of its grant money allocated or spent as soon as they can so that it won’t be recalled.
The City Commission will meet again on May 26, at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting hopefully with all the commissioners in attendance at City Hall.