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Raton High School Class of 2020 Schedule of Events for Graduation has been Announced

Dear Raton High School Seniors and Parents,

At this time I along with the Raton School Board would like to announce the plans for the 2020 Graduation for the Raton High School Seniors, Class of 2020, on Friday, May 15, 2020.

We will start at 2:00 PM with the first 10 Seniors from 2:00-2:20 PM (please look for your scheduled time) please come into the gym to take a picture with a board member, and we will continue to do this until all 65 Seniors have been photographed. (One person will be allowed into the gym to take pictures. ) At this time we will give each Senior his/her diploma, cords, and bag of goodies. (Students will remain in their cars until we call them into the gym.) We will do this process until around 4:00 PM. During this time we ask that the students remain in their cars until you are called to the gym.

Here is what will be happening on the evening of May 15, 2020:

• Staging begins at 5:30
•All graduate vehicles will enter the High. School Campus on Letton Drive.
•All parties are to remain in their vehicles at all times throughout the staging and drive through parade.
•Cars will be directed to the staging area on the bottom parking lot in a single file line, wrapping around the South side of the gym and the South end of Letton Drive.
•All cars will be staged before the Radio Broadcast Ceremony which begins at 6:00 PM.
•A condensed ceremony will take place at 6:00. This ceremony will consist of speeches, awards, and the reading of the Seniors of the Class 2020.
• All listeners will be encouraged to honk at every mention of the Class 2020 to mimic the normal tradition of clapping at this time during a traditional ceremony.
•At the conclusion of the ceremony, a police escort will escort the caravan down Tiger Drive and then left on South Second Street.
•The Caravan will then travel North on Second Street to Savage Avenue.
•The Caravan will then continue South on First Street and will disburse after taking a right into Cimarron Avenue.
•Graduates from that point will break formation and exit right onto Second Street, straight up Cimarron Avenue or left onto Second Street. (Use the map to help visualize. )
•Family and friends are invited to legally park along the parade route on First or Second Street. It is requested that people remain in their vehicles and practice appropriate social distancing. People are encouraged to decorate Senior and family vehicles to show support for the graduating Seniors.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience and understanding. All of our efforts have been to make it memorable for the graduating Seniors of the Class of 2020.

Thank you
Olga M. Neurauter
RHS Principal


Seniors and Parents,

I will allow 2 people into the gym when pictures are being taken, but no more. I know we are all disheartened with the events that have taken place. We must come together as a community and make it the best day possible. Please if you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,
Olga Neurauter

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio