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Census Response Rates Available: Response Rate is Critical to Federal Funding after the Pandemic

As we all know, the results of the U.S. 2020 Census will influence individuals, communities, governments, for-profit entities, and nonprofit organizations throughout the next decade. Data obtained will inform decision-makers in all sectors and lead to the allocation of political power and financial resources. New Mexico relies critically on an accurate census.

Right now our state lags behind many other states in our response to the census.  While the current health crisis is obviously the main distraction from completing the census in some communities, many of those same cities and towns receive significant amounts of federal aid, which is linked to the state’s population.

Broadcasters and newsrooms can get information about how each city or county or area in New Mexico is performing by visiting U.S. Census 2020.  And if you choose to promote participation in the census, please tell your viewers and listeners to go to

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