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You are hereby notified that it is your duty to cut and remove all weeds, grass, brush, volunteer growth of bushes and herbaceous plants, and other vegetation in excess of six inches (6″) in height from your property, on or along any street or roadway adjoining your property, between the property line and curb line thereof, and on or along any alley adjoining the same between the property line and the center of such alley, and to keep said growth below six inches (6″) at all times. If cutting and removing is not done, the work may be done under the order of the City Manager and costs thereof, together with an administrative fee of $500.00, will be charged to said property. In default of cutting and removing, the owners, lessees, or occupants of said property will be subject to a maximum fine of $300 per day or imprisonment of not more than ninety (90) days, or both, upon conviction. Failure to comply may result in immediate citation.

It is your further duty to ensure that junk does not accumulate on your property. Junk accumulation constitutes a nuisance. Should it become necessary for the City to abate the nuisance, the owner of the property will incur all costs associated with the removal of the junk together with a $1,000.00 administrative fee. A violation of this requirement subjects the property owner to a $300 per day maximum fine in addition to the aforementioned costs.



  1. Mountain Mountain May 4, 2020

    Irritated…been in this area most my life. Married here, raised my children, know descendants from the folks who settled this area and I take exception to your comments. Keeping weeds cleared and trash/junk picked up is not only asthetically pleasing, it also helps in case of fires and to keep rodent and rattlesnake populations in the city to a minimum, for everyone’s safety. This reminder goes out every spring on one forum or another. And the problems we face have nothing to do with “the other weed problem”. It has always been here. Our problems are the same as everywhere. It stems from people seeing right and wrong as what is right or wrong for themselves and forgetting that we are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves, forgive each other, and pay homage to almighty God.. So, if you find us backwards and pathetic, I forgive you, however, maybe you need to move back to wherever you come from and leave us alone.

  2. Irritated Irritated May 2, 2020

    Leave it to this pathetic backwards town to threaten us about our property’s plant growth during a pandemic and economic meltdown. Glad you are duly focused on the entirely wrong weed problem, Trinidad.

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