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Fifty Percent of U.S. Households Have Responded to the 2020 Census; Response only 21% in Colfax County

As of 4-21-2020 only 21% of Colfax County has responded to the Census!

With just 37 days in, America has responded to the Census, hailing in 74,600,000 (50 percent) household questionnaires.

The country reached an important milestone in the 2020 Census on Saturday, April 18, with 44.4 percent of the questionnaire responses taking place online, and the other 5.6 percent by phone or mail.

As of this week (April 20), the nation now has 75,000,000 (50.7 percent) households who have completed the Census, with the state of Minnesota leading the way at 60.6 percent.

For all media inquiries and requests on the Census mission and efforts, contact me at


The Census stars are shining bright. 420,000 homes have counted themselves in New Mexico as of Monday, April 20 placing us as the top 49th state in regard to households counted. Los Alamos leads all counties for the state (and the nation!) coming in at 71.5% response rate.

As of 4-21-2020 21% of Colfax County has responded to the Census!


Residents still have time to respond to the Census whether online, phone or by mail. The deadline to respond online or phone is October 31st. For households that did not respond as of April 8, they should have received a paper questionnaire in the mail. It has never been easier to respond on your own—all without having to meet a census taker.

To complete the Census, residents can simply go to to respond online.

They can call 844-330-2020 via phone.


Curious about how many people in the nation and all communities are responding to the 2020 Census? Each day the U.S. Census road mapper will update to show where the nation is in its self-response rates. To view these updates, you visit –

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. Census Bureau is adjusting 2020 Census operations in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of the American public and Census Bureau employees.
  • Implement the guidance from federal, state and local authorities.
  • Ensure a complete and accurate count of all communities.

The Census Bureau temporarily suspended 2020 Census field data collection activities in March. Steps are already being taken to reactivate field offices beginning June 1, 2020, in preparation for the resumption of field data collection operations as quickly as possible following June 1.

To read more on the adjusted timeline, click here.

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