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Public Health Advisory: Testing and Travel Guidelines & Updates for New Mexico March 18, 2020

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced a new Public Emergency Order Wednesday that calls for the closing of various establishments in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The governor is requiring shopping malls, recreational facilities, movie theaters, spas and athletic clubs to close.

The order also requires hotels, motels and lodging businesses should be 50% of capacity.

Stores will be required to limit hygiene items to three (3) per person to avoid hoarding.

The order requires all restaurants in New Mexico to be limited to take-out and food delivery, starting Thursday, March 19, 2020.

The order will stay in place through April 10, 2020, but it may be prolonged if the COVID19 spreads.

People who defy these orders could face civil penalties.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and the New Mexico Department of Health are sharing the below information for the public concerning travel and COVID-19 testing. Please share this information widely.


  • It is essential that New Mexico maintains sufficient amounts of medical supplies, including personal protective equipment for health care staff and COVID-19 test kit materials.
  • It is critical that all New Mexicans know that those without symptoms of COVID-19 infection – those symptoms being fever, cough, or shortness of breath and/or muscle cramping – do not need testing for COVID-19. We are currently in allergy season, and having allergy symptoms such as sneezing, and itchy eyes, nose or throat is not an indication for testing.
  • As we work to increase the state’s capacity for COVID-19 testing, the test needs to be prioritized for those with symptoms of COVID-19 infection: fever, cough or shortness of breath. Please trust New Mexico’s valued medical professionals who are working so hard to protect and treat the New Mexico public and only get tested if you are currently exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
  • ​Workplaces should not mandate that employees get tested for COVID-19 UNLESS employees are displaying symptoms: fever, cough or shortness of breath.


  • ​It is critical that those who DO have symptoms of COVID-19 do NOT enter medical facilities without first contacting them, especially emergency departments.
  • There is no specific treatment for COVID-19 and most cases will resolve on their own. In fact, 80% of the cases are mild. Unless you have serious, emergent symptoms, you should not enter emergency departments. Entering medical facilities unnecessarily puts others at risk, increasing the potential to both infect others in the facility who would be more susceptible and reduce the facility’s ability to care for other patients.
  • Reasons to seek emergency attention with COVID-19 are no different than reasons for going to an emergency department for other medical conditions: if you are having trouble breathing or significant shortness of breath, please seek medical attention.


  • In order to mitigate the widespread community transmission of COVID-19, the New Mexico Department of Health asks all persons traveling into New Mexico from outside the state to self-isolate for 14 days and monitor themselves for any symptoms. If the individual has or develops any respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) or fever, they need to call 855-600-3453 and press option 2.

These guidelines can be downloaded as a PDF here.

SANTA FE – New Mexico state health officials on Wednesday announced additional positive tests for COVID-19.

Per the state Department of Health, the most recent cases are:

  • A woman in Bernalillo County in her 80s
  • A woman in Bernalillo County in her 40s; the state Department of Health is investigating community spread in this case as this individual had no known exposure
  • A woman in Santa Fe County in her 30s
  • A woman in Sandoval County in her teens
  • A woman in Sandoval County in her 50s

Including the above newly reported cases, New Mexico has now had a total of 28 positive tests for COVID-19:

  • Bernalillo County: 16
  • Sandoval County: 4
  • Santa Fe County: 5
  • ​​Socorro County: 2
  • Taos County: 1

The New Mexico Department of Health has active investigations into each of the positive patients, which includes contact-tracing and swabs of symptomatic individuals who have had contact with the positive cases.

State officials have vigorously encouraged all New Mexicans to practice social distancing procedures: stay home, particularly if you are sick.

Every New Mexican must work together to stem the spread of COVID-19.

New Mexicans who report symptoms of COVID-19 infection, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, should call their health care provider or the NMDOH COVID-19 hotline immediately (1-855-600-3453).

People without those symptoms do not need to be tested for COVID-19. This is allergy season, and allergy symptoms such as sneezing or itchy eyes, nose or throat do not indicate a need for testing. While the state is gratified that COVID-19 testing is increasingly available, we need to prioritize testing for persons with symptoms of COVID-19 infection – fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

New Mexicans who have non-health-related questions or concerns can also call 833-551-0518 or visit, which is being updated and finalized as a one-stop source for information.

The state Department of Health will update its dedicated COVID-19 webpage with additional tests as the state lab provides results.

Governor Encourages New Mexicans to Stay Home (:30 Eng)

Governor Encourages New Mexicans to Stay Home (:30 Spanish)

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