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Colfax County is Implementing the Following Steps as the Current Response to Covid-19…

Concerning the Ongoing Covid-19 Outbreak
Level 3 of Emergency Response
Colfax County is implementing the following steps as the current response to Covid-19.
The Colfax County Offices will continue to remain open for the time being, however, the public is strongly advised to practice good social distancing and if at all possible, not come into the county building. The public is advised to conduct as much business as possible over the phone or by email or fax. Please limit the amount of social contact and only enter county property if absolutely necessary. If you are feeling ill, please stay home.
Payments can be sent in by mail or left in the dropbox on the west side (alley) of the County Offices at 230 N 3rd st in Raton.
We thank you for your help as we face this unprecedented situation. We also appreciate any effort to practice good social distancing in order to ensure the continued health of you, the citizen and our own county workers.
Contact info for the County Offices are listed below and can be found on our website at:

County Managers Office- 575-445-9661
County Clerks Office- 575-445-5551
County Treasurers Office- 575-445-3171
County Assessors Office- 575-445-2314
County Sheriff Office- 575-445-5561

Any Colfax County resident who has developed fever, respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) or even mild flu-like symptoms need to limit community exposure. Stay home, limit contact with other people, and immediately contact your healthcare provider to discuss symptoms and any risk factors for COVID-19. Any individual who is symptomatic but does not have a healthcare provider should contact the New Mexico Department of Health at (855-600-3453)
Given the increasing spread of COVID-19 worldwide and in the United States, all people should take the following precautions to protect themselves and help prevent further community spread:
o    Stay home and avoid public places when sick (i.e. social distancing)
o    Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing
o    Wash hands frequently
o    Avoid being within 6 feet (close contact) of a person who is sick
o    Avoid sharing drinks, smoking/vaping devices, or other utensils or objects that may transmit saliva
o    Disinfect frequently touched surfaces
For more information on COVID-19 in NM, please visit For the latest information from the CDC, please visit

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