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Inside New Mexico with Steve Pearce

Inside New Mexico 2-3-2020

Inside New Mexico with Steve Pearce
By Inside New Mexico
Chairman Steve Pearce has a weekly statewide radio broadcast on Network New Mexico. He will be discussing critical issues that are important to all of us living in the wonderful state of New Mexico. Please share with your contacts and spread the word about the weekly broadcast and the important issues and events taking place Inside New Mexico. Real Issues. Real People. Real New Mexico.

To listen to previous issues of this podcast we invite you to visit:

One Comment

  1. U.S. citizen U.S. citizen February 12, 2020

    Wasted a lot of tax payer dollars on fake impeachment. The voters will take care of the do nothing democrats that waste money and tax payers are paying their salaries. Work on fraudulent spending, been enough of that. Improve roads, ditches, education, teacher’s pay, police pay, and take care of fraudulent disability pay. Everyone I know is really disappointed in the Democrats! Shame on them, they are supposed to be adults, we have real problems that need taken care of. I use to not like Donald Trump, but at least he is getting things done. The anger is going to show when people vote, so don’t be blind of reality, wake up an do your jobs, thousands of New Mexicans trusted you to the office you are currently at. At least for now!

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