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Lady Horseman Take Away Three

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

The Lady Horseman arrived in Raton Friday February 7, 2020 to take on the Lady Tigers for the second district meeting this season and took home wins in all three games.

The C-Team game started out slow and low scoring as St Mikes could only muster a five point first quarter while holding Raton to only two points. Once again turnovers hurt Raton as they committed 26 while St Mikes lost the ball 14 times. The Lady Horsemen had a big 4th quarter dropping in 18 points to Raton’s two. At the buzzer it was a 41-9 ball game.

The JV game was a close one with Raton taking the early lead and keeping it close, even tying the game in the third quarter at 27 with 4:05 on the clock. But St Mikes forced the turnovers and started finding the hoop pulling ahead 36-29 at the end of the third. The Lady Horsemen held Raton to only five points in the fourth while they forced turnovers that resulted in 14 points. Raton committed eight turnovers in the fourth and ended up with 29 lost balls to St Mikes 21. When it was al said and done St Mikes had a 50-34 win.

The Lady Tigers and Lady Horseman battled the first quarter running off almost two minutes before St Mikes dropped in a three pointer to start the scoring. The Lady Horsemen held Raton down in the second outscoring them 12-4 to open up the lead. The varsity girls did a little better in the turnover department with only 21 while St Mikes committed 14 turnovers.

Abby Phillips gets the high point total with eight points all of them at the free throw line where she went eight of nine and other than Anna Acosta was the only Lady Tiger to get to the free throw line. At the buzzer St Mikes owned the lead with a 51-22 win.


St Mikes  5  14  4  18  41

Raton      2   0   5   2   9

JV Game

St Mikes 10  11  15  14  50

Raton      13  12  4    5   34


St Mikes 10  12  11  18  51

Raton       8   4     4    6  22

St Mikes High Point

Carley Gravel  12 1 of 2 free throws

Catisa Padilla  16  5 of 6 free throws

Free throws  14 of 22 attempts

Raton High Point

Abby Phillips 8  8 of 9 Free Throws

Anna Acosta 6  2 of 4 free throws

Free throws 10 of 13 attempts


The ball gets loose as Samantha Phillips gets tangled up by Cecilciana Ruiz (5) and Annie Orr (20) during the JV game Friday night in Tiger Gym.
Kaylie Doyon tries hold on to the ball as Annie Orr (20) reaches in to slap it away during the JV game in Tiger Gym Friday night.
Kaylie Doyon tries to thread the needle as she squeezes between Keanna Vigil and Annie Orr during the JV game in Tiger Gym Friday night
Anna Acosta drives the lane after one of the few fast breaks Raton could muster against St Mikes Friday evening in Tiger Gym
Anna Acosta tries to drive around Amelia Esquibel during the varsity game in Tiger Gym Friday evening
1 of 2 Abby Phillips hesitates as Catisa Padilla (12) and Milena Keene go up for the block Friday evening in Tiger Gym.
2 of 2 Abby Phillips hesitates as Catisa Padilla (12) and Claire Patten go up for the block but on the way down Padilla got a hand on the ball and knocked it loose Friday evening in Tiger Gym.
Kira Medina and Stella Valencia go up for the rebound during the varsity game in Tiger Gym Friday evening.
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