Who Are We?
Let us take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. Seven (7) years ago in 2012 two retired Military couples… Elaine and Marty Martinez started giving out a bottle of water and cookies or sandwich fixing to Hitch hikers and Homeless near the Starkville exit’s just outside Trinidad, Colorado.
From there the gallon zip lock bags came into being. Personal item’s like shampoo, soap, chapstick, razor, band aids, tissue, a Granola bar and more went into the bags. These bags were then given out to the Homeless and Hitchhikers. The Care bag’s as we call them are given out to this day.
On December 1, 2012 we named our selves the Somebody Cares Project. Every year we have grown with the help of generous friends and family from Trinidad to Denver. They donated all the small item’s we put in the bag’s. Many helped us make up bags. Soon we were giving out bags of food then box’s of food. We now give out 2-6 box’s of food a week.
With the help from business’s like Skateland and Illusion’s Dance Studio we have been able to collect and give out Free school clothes and other clothes a couple of times a year. With the help of Salude Clinic we have been able to reach more people to give out the bags and food box’s to those who need them.
Because we had been growing so much this year we applied for our 501 (c) (3) non-profit. Finely after all these year’s we can ask for donation’s of money. So how are we different then other organization’s who may help a needy person? Well, we are not only different because we are the only organization around giving out personal bag’s. But what makes us really different is how we screen people. First off, we don’t screen people. We have a form to fill out, but this basic form asks for a name and what do you need. You only have to give a name and if you are an adult if there are any children. A person only has to check a few box’s. The only reason we do this is to retain a person’s dignity as much as possible.
We try hard to make the bag’s and food box’s as personal as we can. We understand how hard it is to ask for a little help from strangers. So we don’t ask any personal question’s, The form does ask if they need some really personal item’s, but they only have to check the box.
Many people we help are senior’s who need a little extra help between getting their Snap and check’s, The food box might have food they can not normally afford. The Care Bag’s save’s them a few dollar’s they can use for something else. The same goes for collage student’s. Many who have little extra money for needed item’s and food. We help families starting a new job or between pay check’s or maybe they are looking for work.
And of course the Homeless who always need food and other item’s. We make small food bag’s for them with item’s they can eat right away or don’t need a refrigerator or cooking. These are item’s they can appreciate. As we said before we try to make the bag’s and box’s personal.
What Do We Do?
Our project not only helps the homeless, but our senior’s, families and Collage student’s. We not only give our our Care Bag’s and food box’s, we hold a “Cookie Break” for children and families, We server Cookies and our famous “Pickle Juice” tea. At these “Cookie Break’s’ we do craft’s and game’s. The children display their work. Before they go home they each get a big bag of art and craft supplies.
We have had Free yard sale’s where we give out Free veggies from our garden and Free school and work clothes. Any clothing left goes to Skateland where they put out front for anybody to take. We have also sent a truck load of clothing to Mexico with one of our volunteer’s.
There is more. We have given small class’s that consist of learning to make soap’s and detergent’s to hunting edible’s in the area. In the future we are hoping to have more class’s. Simple cooking to basic sewing to how to use simple tool’s or change a tire.
What changed this year?
After 7 long years of working with out money donation’s we finely have applied for our 501(c)(3). We hope you are as excited as we are. We have great plan’s for the new year. Our main goal will be to get a location for our Food Pantry, office, meetings and class’s. This takes money and we will be asking for all of your help. Because of generous donations we were able to Make Thanksgiving Basket’s and Food Bag’s for the Homeless this year.
Thank You To All Who Donated and Volunteer.
For info call Elaine 719-846-2075 or Marty 720-891-1849

Somebody Care’s Project CARE NEWS VOL. I DEC. 2019
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