By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening January 14, for their first meeting of the new year and threw out the introduction of the ordinance to carry a deadly weapon for a special hunt in the city limits.
Commissioners who had failed to introduce the amendment to the ordinance that would allow the carrying of a deadly weapon within the city limits for a special hunt held by the New Mexico Game and Fish Department to remove wildlife from the golf course area of town in previous meetings finally threw the ordinance amendment out. All of the commissioners noted that the calls they received were strongly against the change in the ordinance and recommended that the Game and Fish Department seek other methods of wildlife removal or keeping wildlife out of the golf course.
Commissioners introduced the ordinance authorizing the issuance of Joint Utility System Improvement Bonds for work on the filter plant in North Raton. The Ordinance will go through the process and be brought up for final approval in a month. Commissioners then approved the addition of a supplement to the Code of Ordinances for the city. This is a formal way of adding the new ordinances into the city Book of Ordinances.
Commissioners then adopted the Public Meetings Policy with City Manager Scott Berry noting that the closure of the Colfax County Building on Friday and being unable to post the meeting agenda there was no longer an issue according to a class they attended on open meetings. The agenda is still required to be posted at City Hall and to all local media.
The November 2019 Financial report continued to bring bright news as the city is showing revenues at 3.84% above budget with the GRT showing a better than expected increase. Berry noted that the GRT will increase to 8.5083% as of January 1st. (Link to the November 2019 Financial Report)
Berry noted that the chip seal project scheduled for later this spring on Fifth Street will cost more than the city received on the grant so the scope of work has been changed to crack sealing projects on several streets in town. The total grant is for $51,053 of which the city will provide a 25% match of $12,763 and the state will provide $38,290.
Commissioners approved the request to cover expenses for the Recreation Department to attend the Denver Outdoor Retailers Winter show and the NM Game and Fish Outdoor Adventure show. Jared Chatterly noted that going to the shows has helped put Raton on the Outdoor Recreation map and that the networking at the shows is the best way to promote Raton to outdoor businesses.
Commissioners also approved the budget adjustments for this month noting expenses for overtime and police vehicle repairs which are costing the city until new units replace the older vehicles. (Link to the FY 2020 Budget Adjustment #5)
Chief John Garcia was present to inform the commissioners that Raton would be joining the Region 4 Narcotics Task Force. Commissioners approved the joint powers agreement which will be aided by federal funds and as Berry noted give the department an additional tool and help in battling the drug problem.
Berry noted in his report that the Filter Plant project is about 80% complete as is the lift station project on Hospital Drive. The city is working on several projects that are in the pre-bid stage for the upcoming year and will have the bids back in front of commissioners later in the year. Berry noted that the Shuler Theater renovation plan is progressing and that the office area is the focus of the work and will include a concession area along with the office space.
The Legislative session will begin on January 20 and Berry will be there to deliver the city’s capitol outlay requests. This year the session is a 30-day session and will last until February 20.
The city commission will meet again on January 28 at 6:00 p.m. with city offices being closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.